Knowing God In Obadiah (Jun 3)

God who Protects His People

Obadiah is given the unenviable
task to confront two members of
a feuding family. The Jews in Judah
(descendants of Jacob) and the
Edomites (descendants of Esau)
were blood brothers but with
little visible love between them.
When the enemies of Judah attacked
the capital city of Jerusalem, the
Edomites rushed to help the enemy!
As a result, God sends Obadiah
to predict doom for the nation for
refusing to be its “brother keeper.”

Lord, You’ll Protect Your People:
The Lord says to Edom: I will cut you down to size… You’ve been deceived by your own pride because you make your home high in the mountains. Who can ever reach us way up here? you ask boastfully. But even as you build your nest among the stars, I will bring you crashing down (Obad 2-4)
Now you will be destroyed…
for you deserted your relatives
in Israel during their time of
greatest need. You stood aloof,
refusing to lift a finger to help
when foreign invaders came (v10-11)
The day is near when I the Lord
will judge the godless nations!
As you have done to Israel, so it
will be done to you… But Jerusalem
will become a refuge… And the people of Israel will come back to reclaim their inheritance (Oba 15-20)

Lord, we realise the Bible warns
that pride leads to destruction.
And placing one’s security in any
thing other than God is foolish.
Only God is strong & trustworthy;
only You can supply true security.
Help us O Lord not to rely on self
but instead recognise vulnerability
and find security in U God. Amen.

Lord, Your Word says in Jas 4:17
that if one withheld help from
someone in time of need, this is sin.
So sin includes not only what
we do that is wrong; but also
what we refuse to do that is right.
Help us Lord not to be like the
priest or the Levite who ignore
or refuse help to those in need.
Help us be more compassionate
like the Good Samaritan. Amen.

Lord, You will judge and fiercely
punish all who harm Your people.
We can be confident in Your
final victory; for You are our champion and we can trust
In You for help and justice.
Help us not despair nor give
up hope for You are In Control
and the confidence placed
in You Lord will not be in vain.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Knowing God In Joel 2 (Jun 2)

God who Restores Past Loses

Addressing hearts that have grown
cold to the things of God, Joel
confronts the people of Judah.
He reminds them of the destruction
brought by a plague of locusts and
warns of the castastrophe to come.
Unless the nation repents, it will be
destroyed by an army from the north
The only hope of escape is for
the people to repent. If they do,
then God will divert judgment and
will deliver unparalleled blessing
and the gift of peace to Zion!

Lord, You Restore Past Loses:
I Will Repay you for the years
the locusts have eaten… my
great army that I sent among you.
You shall eat in plenty and be
satisfied, and praise the name
of the Lord your God, who has
dealt wondrously with you…
Then you shall know that…
I am the Lord your God
And there is no other. And My
people shall never be put to shame.
It shall come to pass afterward that
I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh..
Whoever Calls on the name of the
Lord Shall Be Saved (Joel 3:25-32)

Lord, thank You that it is never
too late to turn to You and see
Restoration happens in our life.
Even though there has been time
wasted when we didn’t live fully for U,
pray that You Will Redeem the time
and help us to make up for it.
Restore everything that has been
lost, wasted or ruined so that
we can testify of Your glory. Amen.

Lord, there’s times when we ignore
the still small voice & make mistakes.
Though discipline may come our
way but You promise to give back
the years the locusts had eaten.
Grateful that You Lord not only forgive but Your mercy is great.
Help us learn from our mistakes
and grow even closer to You Lord.
And thank You that You will redeem
our past and guide our future. Amen.

Lord, thank You for Your Word
that everyone who calls on
Your name Will Be Saved. Thank
You for the promise to hear
and answer my cries for help.
Your rescue of me may not end
up looking like what I imagine
but You do promise to deliver.
Grant me the faith to believe this
promise with all my heart. Amen.

Knowing God In Hosea 11

Holy One who is Faithful (Jun 1)

After repeated postponement of
Israel’s day of reckoning, the time
to settle accounts has come at last.
Barrenness and bondage will
replace prosperity and peace.
Because of unchecked sin, Israel
will be removed from the land in
a tragic blast of judgment & death.
Destruction, famine and forced
labour will befall God’s people in
these terrible days of recompense.
And yet, though the nation
deserves to be utterly destroyed,
God will keep His promises.
God is holy and just, but He is also
loving and gracious. God must
discipline, but because of His
faithfulness and endless love
He will ultimately save and
restore His wayward people.

Faithful Lord, we adore You:
When Israel was a child, I loved him,
and out of Egypt I called My son…
My people are bent on backsliding
from Me. Though they call to the
Most High, none at all exalt Him.
How can I give you up Ephraim?..
My heart churns within Me;
My sympathy is stirred. I will not
execute the fierceness of My anger…
Ephraim has encircled Me with lies,
and the house of Israel with deceit;
But Judah still walks with God,
even with the Holy One who
is faithful (Hosea 11:1, 7-9, 12).

Holy Lord, let Your holiness manifest
itself in us; and may it transform
our thoughts, speech and actions.
You have purchased us our purity
at such a great cost; & we don’t
want it to be wasted in our life.
Help us honour You in all we do
& help us focus on Your holiness.
And empower us to live a life
that is set apart to You. Amen.

Lord God The Holy One, do Your
holy work of Sanctification within me.
I want to honour You with my life.
I want to resist sin each day. But
at the same time, I confess some
thing within me is attracted by evil.
Keep me blameless. Give me
Lord a deep love for You and
the zeal for Your glory that will
surpass any impure passion. Amen.

Faithful Lord, I believe my deepest
longings will ultimately be fulfilled.
I have brought them to You to do as
You please. Use them to accomplish
Your purposes; and I’m believing that
You will get me where I need to go.
I am available Lord to work
out the calling You have for me.
I know Lord that You are faithful
and that You will do it. Amen.