Knowing God In Matthew 11

Friend of Sinners (June 28)

Matthew shared ten miraclens in
Mt 8-11 to show Jesus’ power over
disease, nature & the spirit world.
Christ then bestows that same
power and authority on His chosen
apostles and sends them out
as ambassadors of the kingdom.
He first instructs them how to act,
then warns them of the dangers
they will face, as he calls them
to committed discipleship.

Lord, we receive Your Rest:
Jesus spoke to the crowds, “But to
what will I compare this generation?
For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, ‘He has a demon’; the Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, ‘Look,
a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors & sinners!'(Mt11:16-19)
Jesus said: Come To Me, all of you
who are weary and carry heavy
burdens, and I will give you Rest.
Take my yoke upon you. Let me
teach you, because I am Humble and
Gentle at heart, and you will Find
Rest for your souls. For my yoke
is easy to bear, and the burdens
I give you is light (Matt 11:28-30).

Lord, we tend to judge, dismiss and
reject people & we need Your help.
You Lord desire us to be free;
but we have our own prejudices.
Reveal where we are called
to be more free of prejudices.
Reveal who are the sinners
that we are called to befriend.
Grant us wisdom to interpret
the truth and the call to change.
Grant us freedom that opens us
to follow Christ more closely. Amen

Lord, thank You for Your offer
to carry my burdens for me.
I give them all to You and gladly
receive Your Rest that you give.
I place myself Under Your Yoke
to learn from You. Teach me
Your wisdom and help me to walk
in the ways You set before me.
Thank You for Your mercy and
love that invite me to live my life
Resting and trusting in You. Amen.

Lord Jesus, You promise that
those who are Humble will be
the greatest in Your kingdom.
Help me to be Humble like U that
will also be a delight to others.
And help me to accomplish
great things for Your kingdom.
Lord, thank You for dealing with
Your people Gently, even though
You are sovereign and supreme.
Help me be a person of principle
& strong faith, & yet Gentle. Amen