Meditating on 1 Thess 4-5

Watchfulness for the Lord (Jun 27)

Paul has many pleasant memories
of the days he spent with the
infant Thessalonian church. Their
faith, hope, love & perseverance
in the face of persecution are
exemplary and Paul’s labours
as a spiritual parent to the fledging
church have been richly rewarded.
His tender affection is visible as
he encourages the Thessalonians
to excel in their faith, increase
in their love, and rejoice always
as they await the Return of the Lord.

Dear Lord, we are inspired by the
faithfulness of the Thessalonians
even in the midst of persecution.
Help us to remain Faithful and
live in the expectation that
Christ will return at any time.
Help us O Lord to live holy lives
ever watchful for Your coming.
Help us Hold On to our conviction;
Help us to Edify one another; and
Help us to Do Your Will. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Hold On to Conviction:
For since we believe that Jesus
died and was raised to life again,
we also believe that when Jesus
comes, God will bring back with
Jesus all Christians who have died.
The Lord himself will come down
from heaven with a commanding
shout… First all the Christians who
have died will rise from the graves.
Then together with them, we who
are still alive will be caught up in
the clouds to meet the Lord in the
air. And thus we shall always be
with the Lord (1Thess 4:14-17).
Lord, thank You that death has
lost its power because of Jesus
and that we have believed in Him.
Thank You that we can face death
with confidence, knowing that
whatever we face in this life,
that there is a greater future ahead.
Thank You so much for choosing
to love me, and letting me to
be with You Lord forever. Amen.

Lord, we will Edify one another:
Therefore comfort each
other and edify one another…
Be at peace among yourselves…
Warn those who are unruly,
comfort the faint-hearted,
uphold the weak, be patient
with all… always pursue what
is good both for yourselves
and for all (1Thess 5:11-15).
Holy Spirit, impress Your thoughts
on me and speak into the hearts
of Your people through me.
Father, give me the kind of love
and compassion that is like
Yours, so that when I reach out
to help others, may they see You.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, we will Do Your Will:
Rejoice always, pray without
ceasing, in everything give thanks;
for this is the will of God in Christ
Jesus for you (1 Thess 5:16-18).
Lord, it is always Your will for me
to be joyful and pray often & give
thanks to You in all circumstances.
Help me to remember to do Your
will in this regard, even when
I don’t see answers to my prayers
the way I would like it to be.
For no matter what happens
I know You Lord are greater
than anything I am facing. Amen