Knowing God In Micah 6

God On High (Jun 8)

Controversy erupts in the courtroom
as Micah describes God’s people
on trial. The charges leveled
against Israel: halfhearted worship,
persistent rebellion, deception,
hypocrisy, greed and idolatry.
The verdict can only be guilty.
The sentence: a generation of exile
in Babylon. Yet the message of
Micah is not complete until he
preached the richness of God’s
forgiveness and grace. Micah knows
that God’s discipline only comes
within the context of His ever-
lasting love. The aftermath of His
wrath brings mercy & forgiveness.

All Praise to Exalted God on High:
With what shall I come to the
Lord. And bow myself before
the God on High (Elohei Maron)?
Shall I come to Him with burnt
offerings.Will the Lord be pleased
with thousands of rams.He has
shown you, O man, what is good;
And what does the Lord require
of you but to do justly, to love
mercy and to walk humbly
with your God (Micah 6:6-8).

Lord Elohei Marom, thank You
for allowing me to experience
the breadth of You creation.
And thank You Lord for upholding
all things together with Your hands.
We lift up our grateful spirit for all
You have made and for You are.
You are the King who reigns over all.
And You are to be greatly honoured,
loved and adored at all times. Amen.

Lord, touch my lips just as an
angel touched the lips of Isaiah
as he stood in Your presence.
For I am a person of unclean lips,
I live among a people of unclean
lips and my eyes have seen
the King, Elohei Marom. Humbly
I bow before You and ask for Your cleansing power in my life. Amen.

Lord Elohei Marom, send us as You
sent Isaiah when he saw You
seated on Your throne, to do
Your will & advance Yr kingdom.
The challenges we face in our
homes, churches & communities
are easily solved by a God
who is lifted high and exalted.
Grant us wisdom so that we can
live according to Your will. Amen.