Knowing God In Micah 4 (Jun 7)

The Lord of the Whole Earth

Micah might well have summarized
his prophecy this way: I have
good news and bad news!
The bad news: Destruction of
Judah’s oppressive princes and
greedy priests will be swift & terrible;
Jerusalem for her iniquity will be
plowed as a field & become heaps.
And the good news: Though the
destruction will be fierce, a remnant
will be spared to inherit blessings
of peace and safety once again.
From the obscurity of a village
called Bethlehem will arise a
Messiah who will be “ruler in Israel” and will usher in a new day of
righteous living & unparalleled glory.

Praise the Lord of the Whole Earth:
Many nations shall come and say:
Come and let us go up to
the mountains of the Lord…
He will Teach us His ways
And we shall walk in His paths… He shall judge between many peoples…
Nations shall Not Lift up sword
against nation, neither shall
they learn war anymore…
Everyone will live in peace…
enjoying their own grapevine and fig trees, for there will be nothing to fear.
The Lord of Heaven’s armies has made this promise (Micah 4:2-4).
Arise and thresh O daughter of Zion;
for… I will consecrate their gain to
the Lord, and their substance to the Lord of the Whole Earth (Micah 4:13).

Gracious Lord, be with each of us
as we undergo this troubled Covid
season and economic uncertainty.
We know not what the future
may bring us of joy or sorrow;
and of temptation or service.
But we humbly commit ourselves,
our concerns and dreams and
our ways to You God. Make the
best that You can for each of us
and for Your glory. In Jesus’ name.

Lord, it’s a depressing fact that
on planet Earth, that conflicts is
more of the norm and there were
scant few years of worldwide peace.
Grateful Lord that when the Prince
of Peace comes again, He will
bring about global eternal peace.
Thank You God for the certainty
that the world is destined for true peace. In the meanwhile, give us
leaders who are committed to the Biblical value of peacemaking. Amen.

Lord, we don’t need to be surprised
that things are never perfect in
the land of our current sojourning;
for we were made for another world;
and one day we will be home. When
we lose a loved one, we grieve seems long for it’s hard to keep perspective
when we are trapped in time & space.
Whatever we are going through
here, God promises His presence
and His provision in time and space. But this is not our home. Amen.