Knowing God In Daniel 7 (May 27)

Our God: The Ancient of Days

Backgrounder to Daniel 7-12:
The first half of Daniel’s book
centers around the prophet’s
personal adventures; the second
half focuses on his prophetic visions.
God’s people, a major political
and military force among the
Gentiles since the days of Joshua,
now find themselves under
Gentile domination. But even world
powers do not rise or fall without
the consent of almighty God.
In a remarkable collection of
prophetic glimpses, Daniel sets
forth both the near and distant
future of God’s chosen people –
a future filled with purifying
judgment and blessing.

Lord, we worship as You Reign:
Daniel had a dream as he lie in bed…
I watched as thrones were put in
place and the Ancient One sat down
to judge. His clothing was as white
as snow, his hair like purest wool.
He sat on a fiery throne & a river of
fire was flowing from His presence…
O Son of Man, You will come with
clouds of heaven. In the presence
of the Ancient of Days, You will be
given dominion and… a kingdom,
so that people of every nation…
will worship U (Dan 7:1, 9-10, 13-14)

Lord Jesus, we Praise You for taking
on human form to accomplish light,
life and liberation. All people will
eventually worship You someday.
We worship You Lord today for
You are our health and salvation.
And we choose to worship You
for You keep Your promises of lovingkindness. In Jesus’ name.

O Heavenly Father who has always
cared, provided and protected Your
children in all the ages, to You in
reverent awe our hearts are bowed.
O Lord Jesus, our Saviour and
Prince of Peace; to You we owe
with gratitude for blessed assurance
and the peace that still prevails.
O Holy Spirit, our Comforter
and Enabler, to You we owe the quickening power that gives peace and increase in all that we do. Amen.

Ancient of Days, who sittest
throned in glory,
To Thee all knees are bent,
all voices prayed;
Thy love has blessed the wide
world’s wondrous story
With light and life since
Eden’s dawning day.
O Triune God, with heart
and voice adoring,
Praise we the goodness
that doth crown our days;
Pray we that Thou will
hear us still imploring
Thy love and favour,
kept to us always.