Knowing God In Ezekiel 48 (May 21)

The Lord Is There Jehovah Shammah

Jeremiah closes his book with a
mighty sweep of prophetic judgment.
Moving from west to east, Jeremiah
shows that the God of Israel rules
in the affairs of people everywhere:
from Egypt to Elam, Damascus
to Edom. For their wicked idolatry
and staunch refusal to acknowledge
the one true God, Judah’s neighbours
would fall to enemy armies, showing
that no nation is big enough to flaunt
God’s justice and get away with it.

Praise be Jehovah Shammah:
This is the land which you shall
divide by lot as an inheritance
among the tribes of Israel, and these
are their portions, says the Lord…
These are the exits of the city…
the gates of the city shall be
named after the tribes of Israel…
The city shall be 18,000 cubits
round about; and the name of
the city from that day shall be
The Lord is there (Jehovah
Shammah) – Ezek 48:29-31, 35.

Jehovah Shammah, my finite
mind cannot comprehend You
in all Your majesty seated there
in the new Jerusalem – the
place of Your dwelling. You are
my closest friend, and I praise
You for all of Your greatness.
And thank You for preparing
a place where we will dwell
with You for eternity. Amen.

Lord, cause my heart to fully feel
the godly sorrow I should feel
when I offend you. U are Jehovah Shammah, there in the place
of my eternal home, and yet
I dismiss you so easily in my
daily life here. Forgive me for
feeling You aren’t close enough
to give me the love I need as I navigate through this world. Amen

Jehovah Shammah, we ask You
to help us know that everything is
going to be okay as we go thru it
this month. The challenges we
face are sometimes too much
for us to bear. May we call on
Your name as a reminder that
You have gone before us and
are already resting where we
will one day be in Your presence.
In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.