Knowing God In Isaiah 60

The Lord Your Redeemer (Apr 29)

As Israel looks at his contemporary
situation, there is little to commend it.
Empty ritual, meaningless fasts,
and broken fellowship mark the
spiritual life of the nation. But Isaiah
catches a glimpse of the glorious
future awaiting the people of God.
A day is coming when darkness
will be swept away, affliction
will cease, violence shall no more
be heard and the glad tidings
of salvation shall be proclaimed
throughout Zion. The desolate land
shall be inhabited and prosperous,
prompting praise to the ends of
the earth that God has not forsaken
His people after all. Groaning
has indeed give way to glory.

Praise be Jehovah Goelekh:
Arise, shine, for your light
has come, and the glory of
the Lord rises upon you.
See darkness covers the earth,
but the Lord rises upon you
and his glory appears over you…
You will drink the milk of nations
and be nursed at royal breasts.
Then you will know that I the Lord
(Jehovah) am your Saviour,
your Redeemer (Goelekh),
the Mighty One (Isa 60:1-2, 16).

Lord, I know my Redeemer lives
and You have sent redemption
to me thru Your Son, Jesus Christ.
In Your grace, You sustain me
in so many things including
provision, health and relationship.
And I praise You because You have
delivered me time and time again
from the hand of the enemy. Amen

Jehovah Goelekh, forgive me
for taking Your redemption
too lightly at times and not
living in the light of that truth.
I confess lack of understanding
of all the dangers You have
rescued me from; for You are
always working things out
behind the scenes. Amen.

Lord, be our constant Redeemer
and ever-present help in trouble.
Redeem us from doubt, sinful
propensities and indulgences.
Give us the grace of virtues
and mould us into the person
You have purposed us to be.
Grant us fruitfulness & blessing
according to Your will for the advancement of Your kingdom.
Use us as vessels of redemption
to those in need. In Jesus’ name.