Knowing God In Isaiah 42

Light to the Nations (April 27)

The book of Isaiah has been
likened to the miniature Bible,
its 66 chapters paralleling the
66 books of the Bible. Beginning
Isaiah 40, the final 27 chapters of
Isaiah, like the 27 books of the
New Testament, proclaim a message
of comfort and hope. The Messiah
is coming to be the Saviour of sinful
people. Therefore, Comfort ye my
people, says your God (Isaiah 40:1).

All Praise be to Or Goyim:
My Servant whom I uphold.
I have put My Spirit upon Him;
He will bring forth justice…
I am the Lord, I have called You
in righteousness, I will also hold U
by the hand and watch over You,
And I’ll appoint You as a covenant
to the people, as a light to the
nations (Or Goyim) – Isa 42:1,6.
To open blind eyes, to bring
out prisoners from the prison,
those who sit in darkness…
Behold the former things have
come to pass, and new things
I declare (Isaiah 42:7-9).

Lord Or Goyim, You’re a light to
the nations and You are a covenant
to the people. In Your righteousness
we find our salvation. Thank You
Lord for opening up Your goodness
and grace to all who trust in You.
Thank You for redeeming us
and drawing us into Your light,
for in Your righteousness
we will find our own. Amen.

Lord, I come to You on behalf of
each of us in the body of Christ
who has failed to do all we can
to take Your name to the nations.
So many people are lost because
they haven’t heard about You.
Send us to those who do not yet
know about You. And Show us how
to take Your name to those in need
& give the light of Your hope. Amen

Lord Or Goyim, may people from
all tongues lift up Your name
and seek Your face for salvation.
Send Your kingdom servants
to proclaim the message of the
covenantal love Jesus died to
provide for those who trust in Him.
Raise up a generation to proclaim
that You are the light of the nations.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen!