Meditating on 1Cor 7-10

Perspectives on Liberty (Apr 25)

Beginning with chapter 7, Paul
answers a series of questions
raised by the believers in Corinth:
Is celibacy better than marriage?
Is it permissible for Christians
to eat meat offered to idols?
Is it proper for a minister of
the gospel to derive his living
from the ministry? If an action is
lawful, is it therefore permissible?
Building on Old Testament quotations
and Christ’s teachings, Paul
sets forth God’s perspective on
marriage and Christian liberty.

Paul in 1Cor 7–10 taught freedom
of choice on practices not
expressly forbidden in Scripture.
We are free in Christ, yet we must
not abuse our Christian freedom
by being insensitive to others; or encourage others do wrong; but
instead let love guide our behaviour.
Lord, we Let Go Abusive Indulgences;
we Seek fruit of Self-Control; and
we purpose to Flee Idolatry. Amen.

Lord, we Let Go Abusive Indulgence:
Those who use the things of
the world should not become
attached to them. For this world
as we know it will soon pass away.
I want you to be free from the
concerns of this life (1Cor 7:31-32)
I am saying this for your benefit,
not to place restrictions on you.
I want you to do whatever will help
you serve the Lord best, with as
few distractions as possible (v35).
Lord, whether married or single,
one can only find contentment
in Christ; for one can’t expect even
loved ones to meet our every need.
Lord Jesus, excess and concerns
of this life can cause me to stumble.
Give me what I need to surrender
those things that are my appetite’s
abusive indulgences. Amen.

Lord, we Seek fruit of Self-Control:
Do you not know that those who
run in a race all run, but only one
receives the prize? Run in such
a way that you may win. And
everyone who competes in the
games exercises self-control in
all things. They then do it to receive
a perishable (prize) but we an
imperishable (1Cor 9:24-25).
Lord, thank You for helping me
to press on. I proclaim that I am
exercising self-control in all
things in order to win the prize.
Help me not to give way to
negative thoughts and help me
to run the race with endurance.
And Father, engrave Your Son
Christ Jesus in my heart that I may
bring forth the fruit of holy living
to the honour of Your name, Amen.

Lord, we purpose to Flee Idolatry:
Therefore let him who thinks
he stands take heed lest he fall.
No temptation has overtaken you
except such as is common to man;
but God is faithful, who will not
allow you to be tempted beyond
what you are able, but with the
temptation will also make the way
of escape, that you may be able
to bear it. Therefore my beloved
flee from idolatry (1Cor 10:11-13).
Lord, we need Your help to order
our loves so that our desires
will not become demands.
To get rid of our idols, we need
Your help in identifying them.
Use whatever means You see
fit to reveal to us what we have
come to love and depend on more
than You Lord. In Jesus’ name.