Preview on 1&2 Corinthians (Apr 24)

Living For Christ in Corrupt Society

As the Bible is arranged by genre,
to enhance understanding context
we had been meditating scripture
by time sequence over 3OT phases:
OT1: Five Books of Laws & Job
OT2: Conquest to United Kingdom,
including Psalms & Wisdom Poetry.
OT3: Divided Kingdom, Exile, plus
Post-Exilic period & the Prophets.
Then we meditated on the gospels
ending with John where we learnt
Jesus Christ as Son of God and
believing we have life in His name.
Acts records fulfilment of Jesus’
Commission as Spirit-transformed
disciples spread the gospel. And in
Romans, Paul gives a sample of his
message before he arrives in Rome.

Next First and Second Corinthians.
In New Testament times, Corinth
was famous as the commercial hub
of southern Greece. But it was also
infamous as a center of immorality.
Despite that, Paul established
a church there near the end of
his second missionary journey
(Acts 18:1-17). Though the church
was in Corinth, Corinth was also
in the church, infecting its fellowship
and witness. Paul recognises
the gifts and strengths of the
church but he also deals decisively
with the problems plaguing it.
His goal is that all things be done
decently and in order (1Cor 14:40).

Paul’s troubles with the Corinthians
continued. After his first letter,
Paul’s teaching, character and
motives were brought under attack.
Paul writes back to set forth
his credentials and vindicate
his conduct, thanking those
who support him and appealing
to the rebellious minority. The book
is heavily autobiographical, offering
glimpses into the life of Paul:
his preconversion background,
his visions from Goa, his thorn
in the flesh and his persecution
for the cause of Christ.

We’ll meditate I&2 Corinthians over
4 weekends in following divisions:
1C1-6: Problems of Factions
1C7-10: Perspectives on Liberty
1C11-14: Perspectives on Worship
1C15-16: Perspectives on Resurrectn
2C1-5: Minister of the Gospel
2C6-9: Motivation in the Gospel
2C10-13:Authority as Gospel Minister
Lord, You are a holy God and
we recognise the importance that
all things be done decently and
in order. Grant us Lord the grace
of wisdom and strength to do so.
In Jesus’ precious name we pray.