Knowing God In Isaiah 4

Branch of the Lord (April 12)

A crisis exists in the nation of Judah.
Wickedness has permeated the
social, political and spiritual life of
the country – a condition which God
finds intolerable. Divine indictment
falls from the lips of prophet Isaiah.
Unless repentance sweep the nation,
God will reduce His people to ruin.
Famine and pestilence will replace
feasting and pleasure to show that
the Holy One of Israel still rules in
Zion. King and commoner, priest
and prophet – no one will be safe
when the terrifying day of God’s
wrath descends upon His people.

Praise be to Branch of the Lord:
In that day the Branch of the
Lord (Jehovah Tsemach) will
be beautiful and glorious, and
the fruit of the earth will be
the pride and adornment of the
survivors of Israel (Isaiah 4:2).
When the Lord has washed away
the filth of the daughters of Zion
and purged the blood of Jerusalem
from her midst… then… there will
be a tabernacle for shade in the
daytime from the heat, for a place
of refuge and for a shelter from
storm and rain (Isaiah 4:4-6).

Lord Jehovah Tsemach, thank You
for not leaving us alone to die
& remain in the stain of our sins.
Thank You Lord for bringing
Your holiness and purity to us.
May we adorn ourselves with
the beauty of Your name & rest
in the abundance of Your fruit.
And may You teach us to look
to You as we offer the fruit of our
lips in praise & thanksgiving. Amen

Holy Lord, please forgive me for
the uncleanlinness within me.
Look on me with compassion,
for You know that I am but dust.
My heart wanders quickly from
You after the things I desire, or
down paths of fear and anxiety.
Whatever it is, I have offended
You with my sin; and as a result
You have sent The Branch who
grants me purity in His name. Amen

Lord Tsemach, I praise You
for Your gracious forgiveness,
and redeeming me from the pit.
Keep me from that which causes
You pain and which ultimately
will cause me pain as well.
Stay close to watch over me and
Guide me Lord along the path of
wisdom & righteousness so that
I may feel Your pleasure in all I do.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen!