Thought for the Week: Psalm 118

Lord God My Helper

Thank God for Being For Me
Praise permeates nearly every
line of Psalm 111-118. God is
praiseworthy for His care (P111),
His commandments (P112),
His name (P113), His power (P114)
His uniqueness (P115),
His Deliverance (P116), His truth
(P117) and His Mercy (P118).
What other response could there
be thankful to Praise the Lord.

Lord Almighty, You are For Me:
Give thanks to the Lord for He is
good & His Mercy endures forever.
In my distress I prayed to the
Lord and the Lord answered me
and rescued me. The Lord is
On My Side, I will not be afraid.
What can mere mortals do
to me? Yes, the Lord is For me;
He will help me (Ps 118:1, 5-7).
This is the day the Lord has made.
We’ll Rejoice & be glad in it (v24).

Father God, as Your child, Nothing
can separate me from Your love.
Thank You Lord for answering
and helping me in my distress.
Thank You Lord for the truth
that You are For me, for it is
assuring of Your concern for me.
Help me to resolve not to be afraid
because the Almighty Lord of the
universe is On My Side. Amen.

Lord, thank You for being For me
and You bring me through trouble.
You are my ally and my hero with
strong arm giving me confidence.
You are my Father and nothing
can separate me from Your love.
You are my impregnable fortress,
my unconquerable tower of safety.
You are my shield to protect me
from harm; and as I take refuge in
You, I don’t have to be afraid. Amen.

Lord, this is the day You have
made, a place of new beginning
for me. No matter what happens,
help me rejoice and be glad
in the day that You have made.
Help me to see Your goodness
and lift up my head and rejoice.
And help me to see my problem
as one more opportunity to
depend on You. In Jesus’ name.

Meditating on Romans 9-11(Apr11)

Grasping Faithfulness of God

If God’s grace is freely provided
for both Jew and Gentile, then
several questions arise: Why has
God seemingly rejected His nation?
And why are so few Jews responding
to the gospel invitation? The key
lies in the history of God’s sovereign
selection – of Israel (not Ismael), of
Jacob (not Esau) for His purposes.
Israel’s present involves rejection
by God because of refusal to respond
to His invitation. But Israel’s future
holds the promise of consolation.
God’s rejection is neither complete
nor final, as Sen in the case of Paul.

In Romans 9-11 we see Apostle
Paul reviewing Israel’s history,
recalling the faithfulness of God
in the midst of unbelief and
bursting forth in praise & worship.
Likewise we review God’s faithfulness
towards us: where He meets needs,
provides safety, heals illnesses,
gives blessings. Having grasped
the faithfulness of God, in response
we duly entrust our future to Him.
Lord, we need Passion for the Lost;
for we want to Share the Gospel,
even as we Seek Your Ways.
For we know Lord as we seek to
further Your kingdom, all these
things will be added to us. Amen.

Lord, we need Passion for the Lost:
My heart is filled with bitter sorrow
and unending grief for my people,
my Jewish brothers and sisters.
I would be willing to be forever
cursed – cut off from Christ – if
that would saved them (Rom 9:2-3)
God, good standing with You does
not depend on my desire or effort
but entirely on Your mercy (v16).
Lord, You are God of justice & mercy.
We know that justice demands
punishment for we have violated
Your precepts and Your ways.
But Your mercy and Grace sent
Christ to the cross in our place and
took the punishment we deserve.
Lord, the passion of Paul for the
lost inspires us. Give us a measure
of Your passion and fill us with
Your desires. Drive us with Your
heartbeat & dream for Your people.

Lord, we will Share the Good News:
How can they call on Him to save
them unless they believe in Him?
And how can they believe in Him if
they have never Heard about Him?
And how can they hear about Him
unless someone tells them?
And how will anyone go and tell
them without being sent? How
beautiful are the feet of those
who bring good news!.. Yet Faith
Comes By Hearing & hearing from
the Word of God (Rom 10:14-17)
Lord, the fact that faith depends
on knowledge challenges and
reminds us to share the Good News
And the fact that faith comes
from hearing the Word of God
challenges us to spend regular time
to meditate on Your Word. Amen.

Lord, we will Seek Your Ways:
Oh how great are God’s riches
and wisdom and knowledge!
How impossible it is for us
to understand His decisions
and His ways! For who has
known the mind of the Lord?
For everything comes from Him
and exists by His power and is
intended for His glory(Rom11:33-36)
Lord, help us recognise and know
what You are doing in our lives.
Help us Lord to stop insisting that
we must understand everything
You are doing in our lives before
we are prepared to accept it.
Forgive us for foolishly & arrogantly
thinking we know better than You.
Grant us a renewed outlook of
Your rule in our lives; and help us
lean on Yr calling on our lives. Amen