Knowing God In Psalm 109

God of My Praise (April 5)

There is plenty to sing about
in Psalms 107-110. First comes
the song of the redeemed (Ps 107);
then a song dedicated to the God
of might and glory (Psalm 108);
and finally a song of lament over
the slanderous attacks of an
enemy (Ps 109). But how can
you sing when the godless are
seemingly getting away with murder?
Remember with the psalmist David
that the Lord is King (Psalm 110).

Hallow be to God of my Praise:
O God of my praise (Elohim
Tehillati), do not remain silent !
For deceitful men have opened
their mouths against me… In return
for my friendship they accuse me.
But I give myself to prayer(P109:1-4)
O God the Lord deal with me
for Your name’s sake; because
Your mercy is good, deliver me.
For I am poor and needy (v21-22)
Help me O Lord my God. O save
me according to Your mercy,
that they may know that this
is Your hand- that You, Lord,
have done it (Ps 109:26-27).

Lord Elohim Tehillati, we thank You
for Your grace and lovingkindness.
We extol You Lord for You are
our strength and also because
You have become our salvation.
We praise You for You’re the one
true God & for Your righteousness.
And we come before You in humble
adoration to worship You & ascribe
the glory due Your name! Amen.

Lord, I bow before the majesty of
Your glory and all that is due to You.
I confess sometimes of taking
credit for that which You have done.
I fail to remember You are the one
who shows favours, opens doors
and gives me the opportunities.
For I can do nothing from You,
so You are fully worthy of my
heartfelt praise. In Jesus’ name.

Lord Elohim Tehillati, give me eyes
to see You all around me so that
I’ll overflow with gratitude of You.
Refine my soul so that praise
become the natural response
rather than something being
prompted to do so at church.
And keep me from subtle sins
that distract me from glorifying You.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.