Thought for the Week: Psalm 77

God Who Performs Miracles

In Psalms 73 to 77 by Asaph,
those who ignore God will find
their path slippery and their
prosperity short-lived (Ps 73, 75).
By contrast, those who order their
lives according to God’s Word will
discover hope in the midst of havoc
(Ps 74) and resources to face every
situation in life victoriously (P76-77).

Lord, You’re Able to Do Anything:
I will remember the works
of the Lord; surely I will
remember Your wonders of old.
I will also meditate on all Your
work and talk of Your deeds…
You are the God
who performs miracles;
You display Your Power among
the peoples (Ps 77:11-14) Amen.

Lord, You’re Able to do
miracles and work wonders.
Remind me of Your limitless power.
Remind me of Your past deeds.
I serve a God who can do anything.
You demonstrate Your infinite
strengths among the nations.
Display that same might in my life.
For You love to do God-sized
things and nothing is too difficult
for You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Lord, In Your sovereignty, You may
choose not to deliver us from our
trials yet, then give us the ability
to hang on and keep Trusting You.
For we realise sometimes You may
be growing our faith muscles,
when one is able because of
God’s sustaining strength endure
crushing troubles until His chosen
kairos timing arrives. Amen.

Lord, You said through Prophet
Habakkuk that the vision
is Yet for an appointed time;
at the end it will speak & not lie.
Though it tarries, Wait for it;
because it will surely come!!
So Lord, make all things
beautiful in Your time.
And show me Lord each day
as You’re teaching me Your way
That You Do just what You say
In Your time. In Jesus’ name, Amen

Meditating on Acts 27-28 (Mar 28)

Trusting God In Trying Time

Paul’s great ambition to reach Rome
with the gospel is at last realized;
but not without storm, shipwreck
and snakebite. Typical of Paul,
he begins his ministry in Rome
by preaching to the Jews. And
(sadly) typical of Paul’s listeners,
they rejected his message of salvation, prompting him to turn
to the Gentiles. Luke ends his
two volume history of the New
Testament church by describing
Paul’s two-year ministry in Rome
– the apostle in chains but the
gospel very much on the loose.

Lord, we see from Your Perspective:
There stood by me an angel of
God saying: Do not be afraid Paul;
you must be brought before Caesar…
Therefore take heart, men, for
I believe God that it will be just
as it was told me (Acts 27:23-25)
Paul said to the centurion and
the soldiers: Unless these men
stayed in the ship, you cannot
be saved… And when he had said
these things, he took bread and
gave thanks to God in the presence
of them all (Acts 27:31-35).
For two whole years Paul stayed
there in his own rented house and
welcomed all who came to see him.
He proclaimed the kingdom of God
and taught about the Lord Jesus
Christ with all boldness and
without hindrance (Acts 28:30-31)

Lord, we may encounter several
storms in our life before we
anchor in heaven of eternity.
But in the storm that may sweep
our world, we can hide in the
secret place of the Most High.
Lord, may I ever be true to You
the lover of my soul, my ceaseless
Friend, my unchangeable savior.
To You I commit my spirit. Amen.

Dear Lord Almighty, when the
going gets tough, preserve me
from panic and deception, and
from thinking I can get through
on my own ingenuity and strength.
Lead me Lord to depend on You,
be receptive to Your resources
and trust You wholeheartedly.
In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.

Lord, help me be like Paul who
did not see himself as being
victim of unfair occurrences.
Help me see God using even plans
of godless to spread the gospel.
For truly You God can do anything
and no one can stop Your plan.
Thank You Lord for Your careful
attention to the details of my life.
Teach me to be so confident in You
even in challenging circumstances
that You work things for good
in Your way & in Your time. Amen.