Knowing God In Psalm 88

Lord God of Your Salvation (Mar 25)

Psalms 84-89 are essentially
heartfelt petitions to God to
satisfy us again (Ps 84);
revive us again (Ps 85);
hear us again (Ps 86);
gather us again (Ps 87);
encourage us again (Ps 88);
make us to sing again (Ps 89).
And each psalm concludes with
a benediction of confidence
that God will do precisely that
in response to the prayers
of His people.

O Lord, God of my Salvation
(Jehovah Elohim Yeshua) I have
cried out day and night before You.
Let my prayer come before You;
Incline Your ear to my cry.
For my soul is full of troubles…
But to You I have cried out,
O Lord, and in the morning
my prayer come before You.
Lord, why do You cast off my soul?
Why do You hide Your face
from me? (Psalm 88:1-3, 13-14).

Lord Jehovah Elohim Yeshua,
I confess that I sometimes
try to be my own saviour.
Rather than look to You Lord,
I try to find my own solutions
and force them into place.
I acknowledge as Jehovah Elohim
Yeshua, You are the one who saves.
Forgive me for not turning to You
and instead turning to others to
seek solutions for the trials I face.
For I should indeed always turn
to You first in everything. Amen.

Lord Jehovah Elohim Yeshua,
I seek Your Salvation in my life.
Save me from my own mistakes
and sins. Rescue me from the
consequences I have brought
myself by making wrong choices.
Save me from a life of wasted hours
and rescue my heart from pains.
Show me Your great hand of
salvation O Yeshua. And Lead me
from my own bondage and into
a land of rest. In Jesus’ name.

Lord Jehovah Elohim Yeshua, You
are the Lord God of my salvation.
You save not only eternally
but also in time and history.
By trusting in Jesus Christ
for the forgiveness of my sins,
I have received eternal salvation.
And by trusting in You Jehovah
Elohim Yeshua in my daily life,
I see You saving me from needless
pain, confusion, waste and regret.
You are the God who saves. Amen