Knowing God In Psalm 80

God of Hosts (March 24)

The psalms of Asaph conclude with
six testimonies to the greatness
and faithfulness of the God of Israel.
He has kept His promises in
the past (Ps 78), a comforting
reminder in the face of an uncertain
future (Ps 79-80). God is there
(Ps 81) and He is not silent
(Ps 82-83) when it comes to
overthrowing idols and enemies.

Lord God of hosts (Elohim Tsebaoth)
How long will You be angry
against the prayer of Your people?
You have fed them with the
bread of tears, and given them
tears to drink in great measure…
O God of Hosts (Elohim Tsebaoth),
restore us and cause Your face
to shine upon us and we will be
saved (Psalm 80:4-7). Amen.

Lord God of hosts, we give You
honour, praise and adoration
for You are worthy of all glory.
You have the power to defeat
the greatest and largest of
opponents because You are
Elohim Tsebaoth the Lord of hosts.
Thank You Lord for the power of Your
name, which gives me the courage
to stand firm in the face of what
will normally frighten me. Amen.

Lord God of hosts, You are great
and powerful. Yet we often dismiss
You as if You were not present.
We go about our business with
little or even no regard for how
our actions impact Your kingdom.
Forgive us for our lack of honour
and respect to You, for You are
indeed worthy of all praise. Amen.

Lord God of hosts, when I am
struggling to overcome an issue,
won’t You help me fight the battle?
When someone is treating me
unfairly, won’t You intervene?
With You Lord on my side,
I will surely come out victorious.
And I have nothing to fear
when I acknowledge You as
the mighty Lord of hosts. Amen.