Thought for the Week: Psalm 62

God Our Refuge

Backgrounder: Psalms 60, 61,
63-65 are laments. Watch out
for the cry the “O God” in which
the psalmist stands upon the
promises of God in the face of
defeat, discouragement & deceit.
Through it all the psalmist finds
that God is a praise-worthy
refuge (Psalm 62, 66).

Praise be to God Our Refuge:
My soul wait silently for God,
for my expectation is from Him.
He only is my rock and my
salvation; He is my defense;
I shall not be moved. Trust
in Him at all times, you people;
pour out your hearts to Him,
for God (Elohim) is our refuge
(Machase Lanu) – Psa 62:5-8.

Lord, You are our refuge and
You are absolutely trustworthy.
Thank You for shielding us as
we face life’s troubles and for
going through them with us.
And we can rise and stand
upright despite what life may
send us for You are our refuge.
We praise You in Jesus’ name.

Elohim Machase Lanu, I don’t
always run to You when I should,
especially when I feel vulnerable.
I turn instead to things I can see to
help me; or to things that distract
me rather than going to You.
Forgive me Lord for not always
acknowledging You as my
strong tower & refuge. Amen.

Lord, guard my life and guide me
away from dangerous situations.
But You’ve warned us that in this
life we will face trials, so I know
sometimes I will be in great need.
Do something to get my attention
to remind me to look to You
and from looking to someone
other than You to be my refuge.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Meditating on Acts 21-23 (Mar 21)

Seeking & Obeying the Lord’s Will

Though Paul has taken his last
missionary journey, his missionary
career is far from over. God
now promotes him from being
a missionary to the people to
being a missionary to the palace.
Paul travels to Jerusalem,
prepared for imprisonments and
even martyrdom. Once before
the crowd and again before the
council, Paul attempts to defend
himself by relating his personal
testimony. Narrowly averting an
assassination plot, he awaits his
opportunity to stand trial for the
hope and resurrection of the dead.

Lord, we will Seek Your Will:
Landing at Tyre & finding disciples
we stayed there 7 days. They
told Paul not to go to Jerusalem.
But when our time was up, we
left and continued on our way.
All the disciples & their wives and
children accompanied us out of
the city, and there on the beach
we Knelt To Pray (Acts 21:3-5).
(Agaves)…took Paul’s belt & bound
his own feet and hands with it. Then
he said: The Holy Spirit declares:
So shall the owner of this belt be bound by the Jewish leaders and
turned over to the Gentiles (v11).
When it was clear that we couldn’t
persuade (Paul), we gave up and
said: The Lord’s will be done (v14).

Lord, prayer is the most powerful
tool we have as believers for
it’s our direct link to You God.
Help us not neglect it when we part
from loved ones, close friends and
co-labourers to boost relationships.
Help me remember when I am with
people who are leaving on a journey
that I may pray for their safety and
guidance as they go about their
biz or ministry. And bring them back
in koinonia fellowship again. Amen.

Lord Holy Spirit, when You
give me a glimpse of Your will,
help me to know how to apply it.
When I have only partial guidance
from You Lord, give me the
wisdom for the details. And
give me the needed strength
to face whatever is in my path.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, we realise that though You
surround us with Spirit-inspired
advisors, there will be times
when we have to stand alone.
Give me the discernment to know
when You are speaking through
Your people and when You
are speaking apart from them.
Give me the humility to follow
advice and the wisdom & resolve
to know when to reject it. Amen.