Knowing God In Psalm 68

God My King (March 19)

David and Solomon shows us
just how praiseworthy is the great
God of Israel. God is worthy of
praise for His judgment (Ps 67),
His compassion and provision (68),
His attentiveness to the cry of
His children (69-70), His strength
on behalf of the weak (71) and
sovereign over the nations (72).

Praise be to Eli Maelekhi:
Blessed be the Lord,
who daily loads us with benefits,
the God of our salvation…
They have seen Your procession,
O God; the procession of my God
my King (Eli Maelekhi) into
the sanctuary (Psalm 68:19, 24).
Blessed God in the congregations…
Your God has commanded your strength, strengthen O God
what You have done for us (v26,28)

Lord Eli Maelekhi, we humbly bow
before You in praise and honour
for You are our God and King
and Your kingdom rules over all.
Thank You for choosing me
as an heir to Your kingdom,
for making me a child of the King.
And by virtue of my relationship
with You thru Jesus Christ, I am
entitled to all spiritual blessings
You’ve for me in Yr kingdom. Amen

Lord, I ask for Your forgiveness
for not always giving You the
honour due to You as King.
Forgive me for the many times
I’ve pressed my own agenda
rather than advancing Your
kingdom agenda. And forgive
me for not using Your Word as
a guide in every decision I make.

Lord Eli Maelekhi, we ask You
to give us a kingdom mindset.
Help us to advance Your
kingdom agenda on earth.
Give us wisdom to understand
what it really means to pray
‘thy kingdom come’
and ‘thy will be done’.
And equip us to serve You and
Your kingdom in the way You
desire & deserve. In Jesus’ name.