Knowing God In Psalm 59

God of Lovingkindness (Mar 16)

Psalms 55-59 capture the emotions
of King David during some of his
most difficult days. Notice David
frank petitions and confident trust
in God in the wake of being betrayed
(Ps 55), broken-hearted (Ps 56)
and pursued (Ps 57 and Ps 59).
Through it all David knows there
is a reward for the righteous and
God judges in the earth (Ps 58).

Praise be to Elohim Chasdi:
Deliver me from my enemies,
O my God; defend me from
those who rise up against me…
(And) I will sing of Your power;
Yes, I will sing of Your mercy.
For You have been my defense
and refuge in the day of trouble.
O my strength, I will sing praise
to You; for God is my stronghold,
the God (Elohim) who shows
me lovingkindness (Chasdi)
(Psalm 59:1 & 16-17).

Lord Elohim Chasdi, we praise You
for You are truly gracious and abounding in lovingkindness.
As far as east is from the west,
this is how far You have removed
our transgressions from us.
And as a father has compassion
on his children, so You have
compassion on those who fear You.
Thank You Lord for Your acts of
lovingkindness. In Jesus’ name.

Lord, I confess I don’t always
look to You as my stronghold
but rather attempt to solve
problems on my own strength.
Forgive me for neglecting
to make You the focal point
point when I am facing trials.
Forgive me for turning to other
means for comfort instead of
turning to You for strength and
Your lovingkindness. Amen.

Elohim Chasdi, give me a deeper
experience of Your goodness,
kindness and faithfulness.
And then in fully knowing You,
help me express Your goodness,
kindness & faithfulness to others.
As You minister to others thru me,
fill me up with the fullness of
Your lovingkindness each day.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.