Knowing God In Psalm 59

God of Mercy (March 15)

Psalms 55-59 capture the emotions
of King David during some of his
most difficult days. Notice David
frank petitions and confident trust
in God in the wake of being betrayed
(Ps 55), broken-hearted (Ps 56)
and pursued (Ps 57 and Ps 59).
Through it all David knows there
is a reward for the righteous and
God judges in the earth (Ps 58:11).

Praise be to Elohe Chaseddi:
Deliver me from my enemies,
O my God; defend me from
those who rise up against me.
Deliver me from the workers
of iniquity, and save me from
bloodthirsty men (Ps 59:1-2).
I will wait for You, O my Strength;
for God is my defense. My God
of mercy (Elohe Chaseddi)
will meet me; God will let me look
triumphantly upon my foes (v9-10)

Lord Chaseddi, Thank U in Yr loving
kindness, You have shown mercy.
In Your mercy, You have withdrawn
Yr fury & turned from burning anger.
Thank You Lord for forgiving my
iniquity & covering all of our sins.
Thank You for showing us mercy
and empowering us turn from folly.
Surely Lord Your mercy is near
to those who fear You. Amen.

Lord Chaseddi, I confess sometimes
of taking too lightly of Your Mercy.
Because of Your Mercy, I have been
given 2nd chance after 2nd chance.
You have shown me forgiveness
and withheld full consequences
that my actions would deserve.
Forgive me for not remembering
what You spared me from and for
not giving full devotion of my heart.

Lord Chaseddi, in Your Mercy
and compassion, You have given
us great and powerful promises.
In Your mercy, equips us to live in
peace, untroubled by fear of harm.
Through the gift of Your mercy,
grant us peace of mind and heart
so that we will not be troubled
or afraid. In Jesus’ name, Amen.