Meditating on Acts 16-18 (Mar 14)

Lessons from Paul’s 2nd Journey

Paul’s second missionary journey
begins with a new companion
– Silas. But the team soon doubles
in size as Timothy is added
at Lystra and Luke at Troas.
Initially given a warm reception
in Philippi, Paul and Silas
soon experience flogging and
imprisonment for disrupting the
profitable soothsaying business.
But God uses even this to bring
a jailer and his family to salvation.

Lord, Paul’s missionary adventures
show us the gospel should not be
confined to one corner of the world
but the hope be offered to all people.
And Paul’s second church-planting
journey shows the apostle at work
bringing the gospel to some of the
most significant cities of their time.
Learning from Paul, we too should
also venture forth and share this
heroic task to witness for Christ.
As we seek to join You at work
Lord, we Seek Your Presence;
Lord, we Seek Your Deliverance;
Lord, we Seek Your Support. Amen.

Lord, we Seek Your Deliverance:
Around midnight, Paul and Silas
were praying and Singing Hymns
to God, and the other prisoners
were listening. Suddenly, there
was a great earthquake and
the prison was shaken to its
foundations. All the doors flew
open, and the chains of every
prisoner fell off (Acts 16:25-26).
Lord, we praise U for Your mighty
power in our lives. We magnify
Your Name for there is none like U!
When I look at my circumstances
and am tempted to give up,
remind me of the example of
Paul & Silas and how U intervened
for them. Then put words of Praise
in my mouth. For You are my hope
in the midst of trouble. Amen.

Lord, we Seek Your Presence:
(God) Himself gives all men life
and breath and everything else.
From one man He made every
nation of men, that they should
inhabit the whole earth; and He
determined the times set for them
and the exact places where they
should live. God did this so that
men should seek Him… reach
out for Him and find Him, though
He is not far from each one of us.
For in Him we live and move and
have our being (Acts 17:25-28).
Lord, I know You are constantly
watching us, protecting us and
even sharing Your thots with us.
In You Lord, we live and move
and exist. Help us Lord to become
a noticer of Your Presence and
acknowledge You in every situation.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, we Seek Your Support:
One night the Lord spoke to Paul
in a vision: Do not be afraid; keep
on speaking… For I am with you, and
no one is going to harm you…So Paul
stayed for a year and a half, teaching
them the word of God (Acts 18:9-11).
Apollos… with thorough knowledge
of the Scriptures… taught about
Jesus accurately, though he knew
only the baptism of John. He began
to speak boldly in the synagogue.
When Priscilla & Aquila heard him,
they invited him to their home and
explained to him the way of God
more adequately (Acts 18:24-26).
Lord, it will be great to experience
like Apostle Paul Your support and
encouragement to do Your work.
Challenge us to know well the Scriptures, full of zeal and learn
continually. In Jesus’ name, Amen.