Reflection on Psalms Book 2 (Mar 12)

Knowing God thru His Names

The purpose of Psalms is to provide
poetry for the expression of praise,
worship and confession to God.
Psalms Book 2 is similar to Exodus
as many of these psalms describe
Israel as ruined and then recovered.
This week we understand God better
thru His revelation of names, mostly
related to His ability to meet needs.
On Monday, we learn from
Ps 42 about the God of My Life.
On Tuesday, we learn from Ps 43
about God My Exceeding Joy.
On Wednesday we learn from
Ps 48 about The Everlasting God.
On Thursday, we learn from
Ps 51 about God of My Salvation.
On Friday, we learn from
Ps 54 about God My Help.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face…In Jesus’ name.