Reflection on Psalms Book 2 (Mar 12)

Knowing God thru His Names

The purpose of Psalms is to provide
poetry for the expression of praise,
worship and confession to God.
Psalms Book 2 is similar to Exodus
as many of these psalms describe
Israel as ruined and then recovered.
This week we understand God better
thru His revelation of names, mostly
related to His ability to meet needs.
On Monday, we learn from
Ps 42 about the God of My Life.
On Tuesday, we learn from Ps 43
about God My Exceeding Joy.
On Wednesday we learn from
Ps 48 about The Everlasting God.
On Thursday, we learn from
Ps 51 about God of My Salvation.
On Friday, we learn from
Ps 54 about God My Help.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face…In Jesus’ name.

Knowing God In Psalm 54

God My Help (March 12)

Backgrounder: Sin and confession are
prominent themes in Psalms 50-54.
David provides a model of confession
after his sin with Bethsheba (Ps 51)
and goes on to describe the
treacherous nature of the tongue
(Ps 52) and the folly of pursuing
evil (Ps 53). Only with God as
your constant source of help
(Ps 54) can you counter the daily
pitfalls and temptations of life.

Praise be to God My Help:
Save me O God by Your name,
and vindicate me by Your strength.
Hear my prayer O God;
Give ear to the words of my
mouth. Surely God is my help
(Elohim Ozer Li); the Lord
is the one who sustains me.
I will praise Your name, O Lord
for He has delivered me from
all my troubles (Psalm 54:1-6).

Lord Elohim Ozer Li, You are the
God who will help and sustain us.
When we are in need, You will
be there; and when we don’t
know the way, You will guide or
come alongside to walk with us.
You are truly worthy of praise
for Your arm reaches out to help
those in need. In Jesus’ name.

Lord, pardon us for the fears
when we don’t know how to
get through a trial or a struggle.
Fear wells up in us as a natural
emotion, but we don’t quickly
chase it away with the truth of Your
Word and character as we should.
Have mercy for not expecting
Your help; and remind us that
You are truly there for us. Amen.

Lord, I ask for Your caring help for
many things are weighing me down.
You Lord know the most pressing
issue and I ask You to intervene.
Guard me from responding to
this situation inappropriately.
Guard me from turning solely to
human wisdom and my own ways.
Help me for I depend on You in
every way. In Jesus’ name, Amen.