Knowing God In Psalm 43

God My Exceeding Joy (March 9)

Psalms 42-49 are attributed to
the sons of Korah, descendants
of the man who died for his
rebellion against Moses (Num 16).
One part of this family became
the temple doorkeepers (1Chr 9:19)
while another became the singers
and musicians in the temple
(1 Chron 6:31-33, 37).

Praise God My Exceeding Joy:
Vindicate me O God, and plead
my cause… Oh deliver me…
For You are the God of my strength…
Oh Send out Your light and
Your truth! Let them lead me…
Then I will go to the altar of God,
To God, my exceeding joy (El Simchath Gili); and I will praise You,
O God, my God (Psalm 43:1-4).
Why are you cast down, O my soul?
Hope in God; for I shall yet
praise Him, the help of my
countenance and my God (v5).

Lord El Simchath Gili, all that
is on earth belongs to You.
Because of this and more,
You are indeed our exceeding joy.
We praise Your glorious name,
for in Your hand are power & might.
The depth of Your truth is deep and
we find joy in learning new things.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, all things come from
You and are created by You.
Forgive me for seeking joy
in other sources than You.
Pardon me for turning to things
outside of You to seek what
can be found only in You; for
You are the source of my joy.
In Jesus precious name, Amen.

Lord El Simchath Gili, delight me
with that which delights You.
Give me the pleasure of knowing
You more for in You I will find joy.
Help me bring joy to other
people I come into contact.
Give me a sweet spirit radiating
Your love to those around me.
Help me say encouraging and
kind words. In Jesus’ name, Amen.