Meditating on Acts 10-12

Staying True to the Lord (Mar 7)

Jerusalem… Judea… Samaria…
Now God sets the stage for the
gospel advance to the uttermost
part of the earth. With conversion
of Cornelius, the outreach of the
church is enlarged to include Gentiles
as well. But it takes an unusual vision,
a stubborn vessel (Peter) and
a well-timed visit to breakdown
centuries of deep-seated prejudice.
The enemies of the gospel are also
on the march, as seen in martyrdom
of James and the imprisonment
of Peter – a futile attempt to stem
the growth of the church.

Lord, Thank You for book of Acts
recording the growth of the church,
aided by the power of Holy Spirit.
We see the purposes of God at work
through any challenge or opposition.
And the disciples were obedient
though somewhat unwillingly at first.
We read of believers who spread
the faith wherever persecution
forced them to flee (Acts 11:19).
And individuals stood out bravely
at great risk to themselves (12:2-4).
Help us Lord to rely on Your strength
as we remain obedient to Your cause.
Help us Lord Tune In to Your Plan.
Help us Stay True to Your Purpose.
Help us Tap On to Your Power. Amen

Lord, we’ll Tune In to Your Plan:
The next day as Cornelius’
messengers were nearing the city,
Peter went up to the flat roof to pray.
It was about noon, and he was
hungry. But while lunch was being
prepared, he fell into a trance.
He saw the sky open and
a large sheet was laid down.
In it were all sorts of animals and
birds… Then a voice said: If God
says something is acceptable,
don’t say it isn’t (Acts 10:9-15).
Lord, it is such a privilege to come
to Your presence and hear from You.
Open my eyes and ears to what
is on Your heart uniquely for me.
Speak clearly for what You want to
say is sometimes hard to understand.
And give me a heart of obedience to
what U want to impress on me. Amen

Lord, we’ll Stay True to Your Purpose:
When (Barnabas) arrived and
saw this evidence of God’s
blessing, he was filled with joy,
and he encouraged the believers
to stay true to the Lord (Acts 11:23).
For he was a good man, full
of the Holy Spirit and of faith.
And a great many people were
added to the Lord (Acts 11:24).
Father God, let us hear Your
encouragement often and give me
opportunities to share with others.
Let us be an expression of the
goodness, kindness & gentleness
of Your heart. Teach us Lord to
exert gracious influence on those
we come in contact and releasing
the sweet savour of Christ. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Tap On to Your Power:
(Herod) arrested Peter during
the Passover celebration and
imprisoned him, placing him
under the guard of four squads…
Herod’s intention was to bring Peter
out for public trial after the Passover.
But while Peter was in prison,
the church prayed very earnestly…
Suddenly, there was a bright light
in the cell, and an angel of the
Lord stood before Peter… And
the chains fell off (Acts 12:3-7).
Lord, thank You for Your wonder-
working power. We were once
locked in a prison of darkness
to Your truth and light. Thank You
for shining the light of Your truth
into our heart & freeing us from sin.
Use us to share the truth about
Your great power with others
who need to know the true
freedom in Christ Jesus. Amen.