Knowing God In Psalm 31

Lord God of Truth (March 4)

Overview: A proper perspective
can help you face any circumstance
and can bring you from gloom
to glory (Ps 31), from failure
to forgiveness (Ps 32), from false
security to confident trust (Ps 33),
from affliction to adoration (Ps 34),
from persecution to praise (Ps 35)
from darkness to light (Ps 36).

Praise be to Jehovah El Emeth:
In You, O Lord I put my trust;
Let me never be ashamed;
Deliver me in Your righteousness…
Deliver me speedily; Be my rock
of refuge, a fortress of defense
to save me… For You are my rock
and my fortress; Therefore,
for Your name’s sake,
Lead me and guide me…
Into Your hand I commit my spirit;
You have ransomed & redeemed
me, O Lord, God of Truth
Jehovah El Emeth (Psa 31:1-5).

Jehovah El Emeth, truth comes
from You and we are incapable
of discerning truth without You.
Grateful that Your truth is readily
available to us in Your Word.
Thank You for enabling us to
discern Your truth from what
the world tries to paint as truth
but is a lie. Thank You Lord for
empowering us live out Your truth.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord El Emeth, have mercy
on us for seeking to undermine
Your truth with world wisdom.
We don’t always let Your truth
run through our thoughts but
rather choose to worry or listen
to our own perspective over Yours.
Your Word is truth, yet we have
neglected to memorise Your
promises & hide them in our heart.

Lord Jehovah El Emeth, my desire
is to live according to Your truth.
And yet I struggle at times during
adversity or trials when walking
in faith and truth seems so hard.
Help me trust You and always put
Your perspective above my own.
Give me discernment of situation
and wisdom to walk in Your ways.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.