Knowing God In 2 Samuel 22

The God of My Strength (Feb 18)

Samuel 21-24 covers six topics
though out of strict chronological
order, form an appendix to the
main body of the historical book:
(1) a famine sent in judgment for
Saul’s treatment of the Gibeonites;
(2) a series of wars with Philistines;
(3) a psalm of deliverance & praise;
(4) a list of David’s mighty men
of value; (5) a sinful sensus; and
(6) the punishment that followed.
The closing paragraph of the
book portrays David in his natural
pose: worshiping God in humility.

Praise be to Elohei Ma’uzzi:
For who is God except the Lord?
And who is a rock except our God?
God (Elohei) is my strong (Ma’uzzi)
fortress; and He sets the blameless
in His way. He makes my feet
like the feet of deer, and sets me
on high places… You have given
me the shield of Your salvation;
Your gentleness has made me
great (2 Samuel 22:32-34, 36).

Lord, You are my strong fortress
and You’re the God of my strength.
In You are all power and might.
In You I find all that I need; and
In You I can find my strength.
Elohei Ma’uzzi, You are worthy
to be held in the highest esteem.
And I praise and thank You for
being strong and for being strong
for Your people. In Jesus’ name.

Lord Elohei Na’uzzi, forgive me
for doubting Your strength
and failing to access it in my
own life on a regular basis.
As a child of the almighty king,
I have access to Your strength,
and yet I often try to walk in my
own limited power. You must
have wonder why I don’t rely
on Your strength. Forgive me
for neglecting such a gift. Amen

Lord Elohei Ma’uzzi, gird me with
Your great strength; make my
heart strong and my mind wise.
Strengthen my hands to do all
You have assigned me to do.
Strengthen my mind to think
big because I serve a big God.
Strengthen my resolve when
life seems unfair or a struggle.
Elohei Ma’uzzi be my strength. Amen