Knowledge God In Joshua 22 (Feb 4)

The Mighty One, God, the Lord (Feb 4)

After being commended for their
faithful service in conquering the
land of Canaan, the warriors of the
tribes east of Jordan are sent home.
They recognised that the Jordan
River (which forms a natural barrier
between the tribes) may one day
form a spiritual barrier as well.
To prevent this, a memorial altar
is built on the riverbank – an act
misunderstood by the tribes west
of Jordan. Civil war nearly breaks
out before the real motives behind
the altar are revealed.

Praise be to El Elohim Jehovah:
Then Reuben, Gad and the half-
tribe of Manasseh replied to
the heads of the clans of Israel:
The Mighty One, God, the Lord!
(El Elohim Jehovah) He knows,
and may Israel itself knows.
If it was rebellion, or if in an
unfaithful act against the Lord do
not save us this day (Josh 22:21-22)
For the Lord has made the Jordan
a border between you and us,
you children of Reuben and Gad…
Let us…built… an altar… that it may
be a witness between you and us…
that we may perform the service
of the Lord… that your descendants
may not say to our descendants…
you have no part in the Lord (v25-27)

El Elohim Jehovah, You are the Mighty One. You are our mighty
God, the Lord. We thank You that
in Your great power and might,
You also remain as Jehovah, the
relational God. You can accomplish
Your plans without me but thank
You for giving me a role in Your
plans anyway because You love me.
I humbly bow before You to honour
Your rightful place in my life. Amen.

Lord El Elohim Jehovah pardon
my iniquities for they are many.
I confess that I have not always
honoured You as the Mighty,
powerful and strong One over all.
Too often I place my own wants
and desires above seeking what
You want and desire in & thru me.
Forgive me for boxing You in rather
than acknowledging that You are
the Lord God. In Jesus’ name. Amen

Lord El Elohim Jehovah, teach us
to love like You; and teach us to
walk in Your strength and might
thru the power of the Holy Spirit.
From time to time we may be hit
by health, finance or relationship challenge but You Lord are mighty.
And we ask You to intervene in our
heart and mind when situations
arise so that we can manifest Your might and power in our lives. Amen.