Knowing God In Joshua 3

The Lord of All The Earth (Feb 3)

The Jews are poised within view of
the land promised to their ancestors
and denied their unbelieving
parents. The task seems impossible:
a turbulent river; foreign terrain
to cross; mighty walled cities to
conquer. So God begins to prepare
His people for the days of warfare
just ahead. He reminds Joshua that
careful attention to His Word brings
blessing and success. Spies are
sent to survey Jericho, the first
obstacle in the land. The priests
bearing the ark of covenant lead the
people across the rampaging Jordan.

Praise the Lord of All The Earth:
(Joshua): See the ark of the
covenant of the Lord of all the
Earth (Jehovah Adon Kol Ha-Arets)
will go into the Jordon ahead of you.
Now then choose 12 men from the
tribes of Israel, one from each tribe.
As soon as the priests who carry
the ark of the Lord, the Lord of
All The Earth (Jehovah Adon Kol
Ha-Arets) set foot in the Jordan,
its waters flowing downstream
will be cut off and stand up
in a heap (Joshua 3:11-13).

Jehovah Adon Kol Ha-Arets,
Praise You Lord for Your ability to
subdue all that’s in Your creation.
You are the great and awesome
God who still does mighty acts
on behalf of Your people. And
it’s comforting to know that
nothing is too difficult for You or
removed from Your control. And
in You we can find peace. Amen.

Lord, the Lord of All the Earth,
sometimes it can be really
difficult to see how You will
make a way where there seems
to be no way. Like the Israelites
despite receiving instructions
to walk thro Jordan into the
promised land, we sometimes
doubt You and forget that You
are in control of the situation.
Help us Lord remember the earth
is under Your command. Amen.

Lord, we ask for special grace
that we might keep our eyes
on Christ and not on the waves.
As Peter sank when he looked
down, I ask I’ll not sink but that
my eyes stay on You. I pray that
You will help me do whatever
You Lord ask me to do so that
I can witness Your miraculous
interventions in my life. Amen.