Meditating on Zechariah 12-14

Preparing Day of the Lord (Jan 30)

Zechariah closes his prophecy
with overview of events in store
for Israel “in that day”. Militarily,
God would destroy all nations that
comes against Jerusalem (12:9).
Spiritually, idols and false prophets
would be removed from the land
(13:2-3) and Jerusalem would
become the focus of worship (14:20)
Politically, the Lord would be King
over all the earth (14:9). In short,
every aspect of Israel’s national
life would reflect God’s authority
– an exciting prospect indeed !!

The Messiah will come both to
rescue people from their sin and
to reign as king. He will establish
His kingdom, conquer all His
enemies and rule over all the earth.
Lord, we submit to Your leadership
now even as we get ready for
the King’s triumphant return.
Lord, we’ll Flow with the Spirit;
Lord, we’ll Come for Cleansing; and
Lord, we’ll Prepare for Your Return.
In Jesus’ precious name we pray.

Lord, we will Flow with the Spirit:
On that day, the Lord will shield
those who live in Jerusalem, so that
the feeblest among them will be like
David… And I will pour out on the
house of David… a spirit of grace
and supplication (Zech 12:8-10).
Lord, we receive the prophecy that
in the last days the Holy Spirit will
be making supplications for us and
confirmed in Rom 8:27 that the
Spirit makes intercessions for the
saints according to the will of God.
In response, we purpose to separate
ourselves from the world and to
yield ourselves to the leading of
the Spirit. Meanwhile, we rest in
the Lord and wait patiently as the
Spirit prays within us according to
the will of God. In Jesus’ name.

Lord, we will Come for Cleansing:
On that day a fountain will be
opened for the dynasty of David
and for the people of Jerusalem,
a fountain to cleanse them from all their sins and impurity. On that day,
I will banish the names of the idols from the land, and they will be remembered no more, declares
the Lord Almighty. I will remove
both the prophets and the spirit of
impurity from the land (Zech 13:1-2)
Lord, thank You for such a great
salvation, including the forgiveness
for which You paid so great a price.
Thank You for opening up a fountain
of cleansing and inviting us to be
purged of sins. Cleanse away Lord
the sins that have left shameful
stains on the interior of our lives;
and make us pure again. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Prepare for Your Return:
And on that day it shall be that living waters shall flow from Jerusalem…
And the Lord shall be King over
the whole earth. On that day there
will be one Lord, and His name
the only name (Zechariah 14:8-9).
Lord, we don’t know when You
will return; but we know that You
want us to be ready at all times.
Lord, grant us the grace to put
You God first in all that we do and
all that we are. Help us be ready
by living according to Your Word
consistently and sharing the Gospel
to the lost. In Jesus’ precious name.