Knowing God In Deuteronomy 4

Consuming Fire Esh Oklah (Jan 26)

In his first sermon, Moses review the
past. God had promised His people
a new homeland but Israel failed
to possess it because of unbelief.
For 40 years they had wondered;
and now with the passing of that
unbelieving generation, God has
led the nation in smashing victories
over Sihon and Og, bringing them to
the threshold of the land once again.
But before they are ready to enter,
they must learn a crucial lesson
from the past – the lesson that
obedience brings victory and
blessing while disobedience results
only in defeat and judgment.

Hallowed be to Esh Oklah:
I (Moses) will die in this land;
I will not cross the Jordan; but you
are about to cross over and take possession of that good land.
Take heed to yourselves, lest you
forget the covenant of the Lord
your God which He made with you
and make for yourselves a carved
image in the form of anything
which the Lord has forbidden
you. For the Lord your God is
a consuming fire (Esh Oklah)
a jealous God (Deut 4:22-24).

Lord Esh Oklah, You instruct us
not to worship any other gods
because You are a jealous God.
We lift up Your name in praise and
thanksgiving for Your love & holiness.
Thank You God, that though You are
a consuming fire, You also show
restraint. Thankfully You have not
dealt with us according to our sins.
Thank You for the kindness of Your
patience and for Your love. Amen.

Lord Esh Oklah, we often set our
heart on things other than You.
We give so much time to leisure,
work or even simple distractions,
often just passing away the time.
Yet You are a jealous God and
a consuming fire that we should
not take lightly. We humbly ask
for You to forgive us. Be gracious
to us & draw our heart to You. Amen

Lord Esh Oklah, we don’t want to
minimise You in our life, but we
often do so simply out of neglect.
Remind us that You are consuming
fire but do it gently with Your grace.
Remind us Your sacrificial love
and cultivate in us the finest love
toward You Lord that we can have.
Draw us to You in faithfulness so that
we may not provoke Your jealousy.
Teach and train us to honour You
Lord as You are rightly due. Amen.