Meditating on Zechariah 1-6

Rebuilding and Returning (Jan 23)

Using colourful visions & consoling
sermons to portray God’s glorious
future plans for His covenant people,
Zechariah encourages the workers
engaged in rebuilding the temple.
Although early enthusiasm has
waned, the task is an important
one for the temple will be the
focal point of the ministry of
Israel’s coming Messiah.

The Jews were discouraged.
They were free from exile; and
yet the temple was not completed.
Zechariah encouraged them to
rebuild it and picks up the theme
of repenting and returning to God.
Gif is jealous for our devotion; and
we should turn to Him and obey Him.
Lord, we’ll Return To Your Love;
Lord, we’ll Walk In Your Ways and
Lord, we’ll Depend On Your Spirit.
In Jesus’ precious name we pray.

Lord, we’ll Return to Your Love:
In the second year of King Darius’
reign, the Lord gave this message
to Zechariah: I the Lord was very
angry with your ancestors. So say
to the people: This is what the
Lord Almighty says: Return to me
and I will return to you, says the
Lord Almighty (Zechariah 1:1-3).
Father, You are Lord of the universe
and yet You are also my friend.
May I not grieve Your Spirit but
rather Return the love that You
have given me without reservation.
I give You my heart over to You.
Thank You for walking with me
during difficult times. And I rejoice
in the peace & shelter of Your love
that comes from knowing U. Amen

Lord, we’ll Walk in Your Ways:
The angel of the Lord gave this
charge to Joshua: This is what the
Lord Almighty says: If you will walk
in My ways & keep My requirements,
then you will govern My house…
Listen O high priest Joshua and
your associates… I am going to
bring My servant the Branch…
and I will remove the sin of this
land in a single day (Zech 3:4-9).
Merciful Father, we have erred
and strayed from Your paths
like lost sheep. We have followed
too much the devices & desires of our own hearts, have mercy on us.
We praise You for removing the sin
of all Your people in a single day
through the sacrifice of Christ. And
we purpose to live for Him even
as He paid the price for us. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Depend on Your Spirit:
This is the word of the Lord to
Zerubbabel: Not by might not by
power, but by my Spirit, says the
Lord Almighty. Who are u, O great
mountain? Before Zerubbabel
shall become a plain (Zech 4:6-7)
Lord, forgive me for the times when
I try to do Your work in my way
and by my power. I acknowledge
I cannot do all You have called me
to do, except Your Spirit enables
me to do it. I depend on You to
help me get where I need to go
and guide me every step. Fill me
with Your Spirit & Do immeasurably
more than I ask or imagine. And I
praise You as the Almighty God for
whom nothing is too hard. Amen.