Knowing God In Exodus 20

El Kanna The Jealous God (Jan 21)

For the first time in four centuries,
the Israelites are free to worship
and walk with their holy God.
But how do they approach God?
What are His righteous demands?
At Mount Sinai Moses prepares the
pple to receive the Commandments ,
a body of law which they promise
to obey – even before it is delivered!
After two days of purification,
the nation witnesses an awesome
display of God’s majesty as He
descends in a thick cloud to deliver
the Ten Commandments, the broad
moral principles which will guide
the new nation and set it apart
from its pagan neighbours.

All Praise be to El Kanna:
I am the Lord your God, who
brought you out of the land of
Egypt, out of bondage. You shall
have no other gods before Me.
You shall not make for yourself
a carved image. You shall not bow
down to them nor worship them.
For I the Lord your God, am a
jealous God El Kanna (Exo 20:2-5)

El Kanna, You don’t want us
to worship idol, because
You are the only one true God.
You deserve to be a jealous God
as everything comes from You.
Thank You for restraining each time
we place something higher than You.
Thank You for being a jealous God
for it indicates how much You care.
For if You didn’t love us deeply
You would not be jealous. Amen.

El Kanna, You know how many
times I have gone to someone
before seeking Your presence
or wisdom in a given situation.
Lord, You have protected me
and granted me success and yet
I feel pride in what I misconstrue
to be my own doing. Forgive me El
Kanna for provoking Your jealousy.
Forgive my insensitivity & sin. Amen

El Kanna, we ask You to teach us
the ways to honour You in our lives;
in our thoughts, words and deeds.
Let our desires reflect Yr yearnings
and let our lips bring You delight.
We ask Lord for Your favour that
we might have a life that truly
respects You and bless others.
And enable us to give You the
praise that is truly due You. Amen.