Knowing God In Genesis 4

The Almighty Shadday (Jan 15)

Gen 48-50 conclude the book of
beginnings by recording the final
acts of Jacob and Joseph, along
with their deaths and burials.
Jacob’s blessing upon Joseph’s
two sons, announcing that the
younger would be more honoured
than the older, is in keeping with
the pattern established in Genesis
(Isaac instead of Ismael, Jacob
instead of Esau, Joseph instead
of Reuben). As his final earthly act,
Jacob blesses each of his 12 sons,
giving a divinely guided pronounce
-ment of their future history.
Jacob’s body is embalmed and
taken back to Canaan for burial,
while Joseph’s body remains
in Egypt until the release of
the newly born nation of Israel.

All Praise to the Almighty:
Joseph is a fruitful vine, a fruitful
vine near a spring..His bow remained
in strength, and the arms of his
hands were made strong by the
hands of the Mighty God of Jacob…
By the God of your father who will
help you, and the Almighty who
will bless you, with blessings of
heaven above (Gen 49:22-25).

Dear The Amighty, throughout
history, You have chosen Israel
and its people as Your very own.
Through Israel, You’ve also delivered
to all humanity the gift of salvation
thru one of their own Jesus Christ.
In gratitude, we give You praise
and thanksgiving for Your plan of
salvation and for delivering Israel
throughout the years so that
Jesus Christ could enter the world.
And we look forward to His return
for gathering of His sheep including
those from the nation of Israel. Amen

The Almighty God, forgive me for
failing to pray for Your people as
You have instructed in Your Word.
Forgive me for the times I have
turned an uncaring heart to the
destruction of Israel as a nation.
And pardon the nations who have
not used their capabilities to help
protect Your chosen ones. Amen.

The Almighty God, we ask You to
grant peace to the land of Israel.
We lift up to You the government
and the military to protect & defend
innocent people from militants.
Pray that Your kingdom agenda
will steadily manifest in Israel; and
let more Israeli come to know Christ.
We bless Israel in Your name and
ask You to bless them as well. And
help us to share Your heart for Israel.
In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.