Knowing God In Gen 35 (Jan 14)

God of House of God El Bethel

In Gen 32-36, Jacob the schemer
becomes Jacob the servant of God.
After leaving his uncle Laban, Jacob
fears the inevitable reunion with
his entranged brother Esau. But
before he can be reconciled to Esau,
he must first be reconciled to God.
At the Jabbok River he wrestles
with the Angel of Jehovah, insisting
on a blessing before he will release
him. The angel assures him of God’s
continued presence and leaves him
with a new name (Israel, God strives)
and a permanent limb. After an
emotional reunion with Esau, Jacob
returns to Canaan, where God
confirms His promises to Abraham
and Isaac – promises of a larger
posterity and a new homeland.

All Praise be to El Bethel:
Then God said to Jacob: Go up
to Bethel and dwell there; and
make an altar there to God, who
appeared to you when you fled
from the face of Esau your brother…
And they journeyed and the terror
of God was upon the cities that
we’re all around them; and they
did not pursue the sins of Jacob…
And he built an altar there and
called the place El Bethel, because
there God appeared to him when he
fled from… his brother (Gen 35:1-7)

El Bethel, You’ve revealed Yourself
to all of us in countless ways and
we give You praise for who You are.
For since the creation of the world,
Your eternal power & divine nature
have been clearly seen, being under
-stood thru what has been made.
Thank You for taking up residence
in me & making my spirit Your house.
My body is the temple of the living God & my life is bethel where U live.
May my life bring glory to You. Amen

El Bethel, I don’t always see You
when You reveal Yourself to me.
And I confess that I fail to marvel
at the depth of Your wisdom.
Forgive me when U have revealed
Yourself to me and yet I chose
to view You with earthly eyes
rather than spiritual discernment.
Let my love abound more & more in
knowledge and depth of insight so
that I may discern what’s best. Amen

El Bethel, abide in me; and set up
Your home in the depths of my soul.
Let Your words dwell in me that
I may know and live by them for You.
Show me how to honour You through
this temple U have set up within me.
Guide me in my eating habits and
my entertainment choices so that
as Your house (bethel) I may glorify
You in all I do. And grant me the
discernment to reflect U well. Amen