Knowing God In Genesis 21

Eternal God El Olam (Jan 12)

Even a man of faith like Abraham
can stumble when he takes his eyes
off God. On a trip to Gerar, Abraham
lies about his beautiful wife Sarah
calling her his sister in order to
save his skin from King Abimelech.
The climax of more than 20 faith-
stretching years for Abraham and
Sarah comes in the birth of Isaac,
their miracle son and heir. But soon
Abraham’s faith is tested again as
God calls upon him to sacrifice
that treasured son upon an altar.
Abraham obeys, showing that
the experiences of the past two
decades have not been in vain.

All Praise be to El Olam Eternal God:
And it came to pass…Abimelech
and Phichol commander of his army
spoke to Abraham saying: God is
with you in all that you do. Now
therefore, swear to me by God that
you will not deal falsely with me…
Therefore he called that place
Beersheba because the two of them
swore an oath there… Then Abraham
planted a tamarisk tree in Beersheba
and there called on the name
of the Lord, the Everlasting God
(El Olam) (Gen 21:22-23, 31-33).

Lord El Olam, we note the treaty
with Abimelech, the sacrifices and
gifts at the Well are all signs of God’s
continuing presence and blessing.
And the eternal nature of His
covenant with Abraham can be seen
by the willing of the land of Canaan,
for an everlasting possession. And
we can trust in God’s everlasting
covenant of salvation with us for
He is the Eternal God, El Olam. Amen

Father God, what a privilege to
be a child of Yours. And when
facing challenge, we can always call upon the name of the Lord. For You are Elohim Strong Creator God;
Jehovah The Relational God and
El Roi God Who Sees Me (and
knows my needs). And You’re also
El Elyon Lord God Most High;
El Shaddai Almighty God and
El Olam Everlasting God who
is surely on our side. Amen.

Strength will rise as we wait upon
the Lord; we will wait upon the Lord…
Our God, You reign forever
Our hope, our strong Deliverer…
You are the Everlasting God,
the Everlasting God
You do not faint,
You won’t grow weary.
You’re the defender of the weak,
You comfort those in need
You lift us up on wings like eagles…