Knowing God In Genesis 14

The Lord God Most High (Jan 7)

Genesis 12-14 describe God’s call
of Abram to leave his home in Ur
and travel to a distant & unspecified
new land. Abram faces many
potential distractions along the way:
the death of his father in Haram,
a severe famine and the worldly
pursuits of his nephew Lot. But
God is looking for a man of faith
who will trust Him completely
to keep His promises. For Abram
& his descendants, those promises
include receiving a great name,
becoming a great nation and
experiencing great blessing
in the face of impossible odds.

All Praise be to Jehovah El Elyon:
Abram said to the king of Sodom:
I have raised my hand to the
Lord God Most High (Jehovah
El Elyon), the Possessor of
heaven and earth, that I will
not take anything that is yours,
lest you should say: I have made
Abram rich (Gen 14:22-23).

Jehovah El Elyon, we praise and
thank You for being not only the
Most High God but also the Lord.
And Thank You Lord for dwelling
in our life and being our friend.
Thank You we can pray directly
to You, the God who is above all.
Manifest Your kingdom rule as
You demonstrate Your power
and might above all. Amen.

Jehovah El Elyon, I confess I like
to call the shots in my own life.
I forget that You are the Lord God
Most High & choose to pretend I am.
Forgive me when I fail to recognise
You in Your rightful place & honour
You as the Lord God Most High.
Forgive me when I don’t trust that
You know what’s best and what will
advance Your Kingdom in long run.
Forgive me for making choices apart
from Your divine perspective. Amen.

Jehovah El Elyon, show me how
to live in a way that will advance
Your will and agenda on earth.
And when I face with difficulties,
help me to remember that You are
Lord over all and that You care.
Help me to simply trust You.
Show me this truth again and
again as I look to You to meet my
every need. In Jesus name, Amen.