Experiencing God In Hebrews 6

Call to Spiritual Diligence (Dec 15)

God spoke in times past through
the prophets, but He has reserved
the declaration of His glory for
His Son. By His death, Jesus lifts
mankind into the family of God.
Because of His perfect humanity,
Jesus is uniquely qualified to serve
as High Priest for sinful mankind.
And Christ will bring His people into
the eternal resting place of heaven.

Lord, You’ll Remember Our Labour:
God won’t forget how hard you have
worked for Him and how you have
shown your love to Him (Heb 6:10)
Show the same diligence to the full
assurance of hope until the end that
you do not become sluggish but
imitate those who through faith and
patience inherit the promises (v11-12)
God also bound Himself with an
oath, so that those who received
the promise could be perfectly sure.
He would never change His mind…
These two things are unchangeable
because it is impossible for God to
lie. Therefore, we who have fled to
Him for refuge can take new courage,
for we can hold on to His promise
with confidence. This confidence is
like a strong and trustworthy Anchor
for our souls (Heb 6:17-19). Amen.

Lord, sometimes we struggle with
living in a world where good is
ignored or even disadvantaged.
Help us to keep our eyes on You
and on the truth of Your Word.
You are righteous in all You do;
and thanks for the promise
that You will never forget all
that we do for Your kingdom.
Grant us grace as we purpose
to continue to do good. Amen.

Lord, Grant us Your grace & strength
so that we will not lose hope and
stamina even when under pressure
of exhaustion, fear of failure or
rejection and negativity from others.
For we purpose to persevere
even under the test of trial for
You have promised the crown
of life to those who love You.
In Jesus’ precious name we pray.

Lord, Thank You for providing
something to hold on to when
everything seems to be shaking.
My hope in Jesus is an Anchor
for my soul and will keep me
steady in all the storms of life.
Thank You for the promise that
those who flee to You for refuge
can take new courage because
Your promises are true and You
never break Your word! Amen.

Experiencing God In Hebrews 3-4

Call to Be Courageous (Dec 14)

Those who rebelled against God
in the days of the wilderness
wanderings were excluded from
His rest in the Promised Land.
However, for the people of God
today there exists an even better
rest than that – the one His Son
spoke about. Since the promise
of entering His rest still stands,
let us simply enter and enjoy it.

Lord, we will Be Courageous:
We are God’s household, if we Keep
Up our Courage & remain confident
in our hope in Christ (Heb 3:6).
Lord, it is a calling for all of us
to see to it that none of us has
a sinful, Unbelieving heart that
turns from You the living God (v12).
Let us hold fast our confession. For
we do not have a High Priest who
can’t sympathise with our weakness
but was in all points tempted as we
are yet without sin. Let us therefore
Come Boldly to the throne of
Grace, that we may Obtain Mercy
and Find Grace to help in time
of need (Heb 4:14-16). Amen.

Father, thank You for making
me a part of Your household.
Holy Spirit, fill me and renew
my confidence in Christ Jesus and
in His finished work on the cross.
Strengthen me to keep up courage,
empower me to believe Your Word,
to listen attentively to Your voice
and to remain confident because
my hope is in Christ. Amen.

Lord, let me be encouraged in Your
truth. Show me the ways that I can
be instrument of encouragement.
And keep me from any discouraging
actions or words to others each day.
Let me be sensitive to see where
those in my life are discouraged.
Encourage the hearts of my friends.
Encourage the hearts of loved ones.
Keep them from discouragement.
And keep discouraging people
far far away from them. Amen.

Lord Jesus, Thank You that You
understand my weaknesses,
for You have been tempted in
every way and yet did not sin.
Because You understand my
struggles, I know I can come to You
and receive mercy. And help me
approach You with confidence,
knowing that You will help me
in my time of need. Amen.

Thought for the Week: 1 Timothy 6

Be Content & Eternal Minded

Timothy ministered alongside
Apostle Paul as missionary and
later received the challenging
assignment of pastoring the
church at Ephesus. Paul’s first
letter resembles a manual for
building church leadership.
It also contains many principles
to impact the lives of others.

Lord, we’ll Fight the Good Fight:
Godliness with Contentment is
great gain…We can take nothing
out of (this world). If we have food,
we’ll be content (1 Tim 6:6-8).
Fight the Good Fight of Faith.
Hold tightly to the eternal life
that God has given you (1T6:11-12)
Command those who are rich not be
arrogant nor put their hope in wealth,
but hope in God, who provides
everything for our enjoyment.
Command them to do good…
to be generous & willing to share.
By doing this they will be storing up
treasure for the future so that they
may experience True Life (v17-19)

Lord, You want Contentment to be
the virtue and goal for Your people.
Forgive us for the times when
we get discontented with life.
Teach me to focus on all I have,
rather than on the things that
lack when competing with others.
Teach me to make connected
relationship with You & others be
priority over material things. Amen.

Lord, Thank You for Your promise
of eternal life in Your presence.
I realise that the road ahead
may not be easy; but I purpose
to hold fast and stay the course.
Help me not grow weary in the
battles I face. Help me to seek
You continually to Fight the good
fight on my behalf. And grant me
faithfulness & perseverance. Amen

Lord, thank You for all You have
given including material provision.
Keep me from being covetous,
greedy or selfish. Help me find
balance in the stewardship of the
resources You have put in my care.
Show me practical and creative
ways to use the resources to
do good, to bless others and
to further Your kingdom. Amen.

Meditating on Esther 8-10 (Dec 13)

Trust God’s Sovereign Control

The final chapters of Esther’s drama
read like the ending of a fairy tale.
Mordecai is promoted, the Jews’
enemies are destroyed and Esther
secures letters from the king
establishing the Feast of Purim
as a perpetual reminder of God’s
great deliverance. In chapter 10
the epilogue, Mordecai receives
historical recognition in the Persian
annals. Such acclaim from pagan
historians come not because of
arrogant claims of self-exaltation
(as with Haman) but because
Mordecai exemplifies servanthood
in his speech and conduct.

As we complete the book of Esther,
we reflect on the many events
demonstrating sovereign control:
the roll of the dice, king’s insomnia,
Mordecai’s unrewarded kindness,
Haman’s casting of lots and Esther’s
two banquets. With God in charge,
we can take courage that He will
guide us through life’s challenges.
As we seek first the kingdom of God,
we can be confident to benefit from
His sovereign care and faithfulness.
Lord, we’ll Be Committed to You.
Lord, we’ll Remember Your Deeds.
Lord, we’ll Be Good Stewards. Amen.

Lord, we will Be Committed to You:
King Xerxes gave estate of Haman
to Queen Esther. And Mordecai
came into the presence of the king…
The king took off his signet ring…
and presented it to Mordecai. And
Esther appointed him over Haman’s
estate. Esther again pleaded with
the king… and begged him to put
an end to the evil plan of Haman…
which he devised against the Jews.
Then the king extended the gold
scepter to Esther (Esther 8:1-4).
Lord, noted Esther and Mordecai
we’re faithful to the point of risking
their lives to save others; and God
gave them a reward in proportion
to their all-out commitment. Lord
we note You are faithful and does
not abandon His people & promises.
Help us run with perseverance the
race marked out, fixing our eyes on
Jesus perfecter of our faith. Amen.

Lord, we will Remember Your Deeds: 
Mordecai recorded these events
and sent letters to the Jews
thro out all the king’s provinces,
encouraging them to celebrate
an annual festival… These would
commemorate a time when the
Jews gained relief from their
enemies, when their sorrow was
turned into gladness and their
mourning into joy. So, the Jews
adopted Mordecai’s suggestion and
began this custom (Esth 9:20-28)
Lord, we ask for your favour in
response to our keeping faith in U.
We will celebrate & commemorate
Your goodness in our lives.
And we will run with perseverance
the race marked out for us,
fixing our eyes on Jesus. Amen.

Lord, we will Be Good Stewards:
King Xerxes imposed tribute through
-out the empire, to its distant shores.
And all his acts of power and might,
together with a full account of the
greatness of Mordecai to which
the king had raised him are they
not written in the annals of the
kings of Media and Persia, Mordecai
the Jew was second in rank to King
Xerxes, preeminent among the Jews,
and held in high esteem by his
many fellow Jews, because he
worked for the good of his people
and spoke up for the welfare
of all the Jews (Esther 10:1-3).
Lord, noted Mordecai enjoyed good
reputation because he was still
their friend when he rose to power.
Noted that corruption and abuse
of power often characterise those
in power. Pray that people placed by
God in positions of power not to turn
their backs on those in need. Amen.

Meditating on Esther 5-7

Waiting Upon the Lord (Dec 12)

The king and Haman are invited to
yet another banquet. Esther’s wise
and timely delay allows the Divine
Director to stage Haman’s exit.
Meanwhile, King Ahasuerus has
trouble sleeping and tries to cure
his insomnia by reading the court
records. To his surprise he discovers
the unrewarded kindness of
Mordecai and orders Haman to lead
the procession in Mordecai’s honor.
Thoroughly humiliated, Haman
returns to Esther’s banquet, where
she reveals both her nationality
and his treachery. The king directs
his servants to hang Haman on the
very gallows prepared for Mordecai.

Because God is in control of history,
He’s not frustrated by turn of events.
He is able to save and deliver us.
Because we trust God, we are
not to fear; but instead we are
to be confident in God’s control.
And it is not enough to know God
is in control; for we must act with
courage to follow God’s guidance.
Lord, we’ll Trust You’re In Control.
Lord, we’ll Wait for Your Timing.
Lord, we’ll Seize the Opportunity.

Lord, we will Seize the Opportunity:
When the king saw Queen Esther
standing in the court, that she found
favour in his sight and the king
held out to Esther the golden
scepter that was in his hand…
At the banquet the king said to
Esther: What is your petition?
It shall be granted you. What is your
request, up to half the kingdom?
It shall be done! Then Esther said:
My petition and request is this: If it
pleases the king… let the king and
Haman come to the banquet which
I will prepare for them (Esth 5:2-8)
Lord, when I’m anxious and feel out
of my depth, help me to remember
that Your grace Is sufficient for
me and that Your power is made
perfect in my weakness. Amen.

Lord, we Trust You are In Control:
That night the king could not sleep.
So one was commanded to bring
the book of records of the chronically
and they were read before the king.
It was found written that Mordecai
had exposed Bigthana and Teresh,
two of the king’s officers who
guarded the doorway, who had
conspired to assassinate King Xerxes.
Then the king said: What honor and
recognition has Mordecai received
for this? And the king’s servants
who attended him said: Nothing
has been done for him (Esth 6:1-3).
Lord, noted king Xerxes unable to
sleep and decided to review history
of his reign may seem coincidental;
but God is always at work. Trust
events that come together for good
are not mere coincidence, but are
result of God’s sovereign control
over the course of our lives. Amen.

Lord, we will Wait for Your Timing:
The king and Haman went to
Queen Esther’s banquet. And while
they were drinking wine that day,
the king again asked her: Tell me
what you want, Queen Esther. I will
give u even if it’s half the kingdom
And so Queen Esther replied:
My petition is that my life and the
lives of my people will be spared.
For my people and I have been
sold to those who would kill us.
Who would do such a thing?
King Xerxes demanded. Who would
dare to touch you? Esther replied:
He is wicked Haman (Est 7:1-6).
Lord, we realise that when dealing
with those in authority that it is
very important to make sure the
timing is right before we speak.
So teach us to listen to Your
voice and respond in obedience
on Your perfect Timing. Amen.

Reflection on 1 & 2 Timothy

Experiencing God thro Obedience

The purpose of 1 & 2 Timothy is to
give encouragement & instruction
to a young church leader at Ephesus.
This week we understand the
importance of personal discipline
and faithfulness to encounter Him.
On Monday we learn from
1Tim 1-2 to Be Prayerful & Trusting.
On Tuesday, we learn from
1 Tim 4 to Be Godly Example.
On Wed, we learn from 1 Tim 6
to Be Content & Eternal Minded.
On Thursday, we learn from
2Tim 2 to Be Steadfast In Ministry.
On Friday, we learn from
2Tim 4 to Be Faithful Witness.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face…In Jesus’ name.

Experiencing God In 2 Timothy 4

Be Faithful Witnesses (Dec 11)

Paul writes his 2nd letter to Timothy
from prison with imminent death.
Yet the focus of Paul is not his own
needs but the needs of Timothy
who is pastor of church at Ephesus.
Paul, who has stood Faithfully for
the Lord through his life, passes
on that same challenge to Timothy.
There is no need to fear when
You serve the Lord of the universe
and endure hardship for His sake.

Lord, we’ll Share Your Good News:
A time is coming when people will
no longer listen to sound teaching.
They will follow their own desires &
reject the truth…Don’t Be Afraid of
suffering for the Lord (2Tim4:3-5).
I have Fought the good fight,
I have Finished the race, and
I have Remained FAITHFUL. And now
the prize awaits me, which the Lord..
will give me on… His return (v7-8).
The Lord STOOD with me and gave
me Strength so that I might preach
the Good News for all to hear. And
the Lord will Deliver me (v17-18).

Lord, we are living in the end times
as we see more earthquakes as well
as increased lawlessness and man
-made religiosity around the world.
Living for Jesus and sharing the
good news can be challenging.
Cause us to remember Your
commission; and not slack in our
responsibility. And grant us grace
& courage to share Your love. Amen

Lord Jesus, Thank You for all that
You have done for us. In gratitude
we want to further Your kingdom &
grant us courage & determination.
Help me influence others toward
You & steer them to Your direction.
Help me speak words of edification
as well as utter prayers for others.
Help me Remain Faithful running the
race to receive Your crown. Amen.

Lord, Thank You for Your promise to
bring us to Your heavenly Kingdom.
You’ll in fact bring us thro difficulties
in a way that allows us to triumph.
We know You Lord are watching
as You use us to impact the world.
Stand by us, give us strength and
grant us continual deliverances that
boost our confidence to persevere
and Share Your Good News. Amen.

Experiencing God in 2 Tim 1-2

Be Steadfast In Ministry (Dec 10)

Paul writes his 2nd letter to Timothy
from prison, death is imminent
(4:6); and he is cold and lonely.
And yet the focus of Paul’s letter
is not on his own problems and
needs but on the problems and
needs of young Timothy who is
pastor of the church at Ephesus.
Paul, who has stood faithfully for
the Lord throughout his life, now
passes on that same challenge
to Timothy. There is no need to
fear persecution or pain, when
You serve the Lord of the universe
and endure hardship for His sake.

Lord, we’ll Endure Suffering:
I thank God whom I serve…
with a clear conscience, as night
and day I constantly remember
you in my prayers (2 Tim 1:3).
Be strong with the special favour
God gives you in Christ Jesus.
You have heard me teach many
things that have been confirmed
by many reliable witnesses.
Teach these great truths to trust-
worthy people who are able to pass
them on to others (2 Tim 2:1-2).
Endure Suffering along with me.
And as Christ’s soldiers, do not let
yourself become tied up in the
affairs of this life… Follow the Lord’s
rules for doing His work, just as
an athlete either follows the rules
or is disqualified and wins no prize.
Hardworking farmers are the first to
enjoy the fruit of their labour (v3-6).

Lord, Help me to not forget anyone
in my prayers. Show me especially
people who are lonely and feel
forgotten so that I can remember
them in intercession. Bring specific
people to mind who need a miracle
of healing or help or deliverance.
Show me who needs to hear
Your voice guiding them. And
enable the people I pray to sense
Your love in their lives. Amen.

Lord, Thank You for the blessed
privilege of being used by Your
Holy Spirit in the lives of others.
Prepare the hearts of those to
whom You Lord are calling me to
witness or to encourage or edify.
Give me boldness mingled with
love; and let me not miss or shy
away from any opportunity to
pass on to others the great truths
that have changed my life. Amen.

Lord, we realise living a life of
faith requires much endurance.
Help us to endure the hardship
and restrictions of a soldier.
Help us to be like a good athlete
who follows the rules of the sport.
Help us be like a farmer who is
hardworking to taste the fruit
of his labour. Grant us the grace
of perseverance, discipline and
hardwork for Your glory. Amen.

Experiencing God In 1 Timothy 6

Be Content & Eternal Minded(Dec 9)

Timothy ministered alongside
Apostle Paul as missionary and
later received the challenging
assignment of pastoring the
church at Ephesus. Paul’s first
letter resembles a manual for
building church leadership.
It also contains many principles
to impact the lives of others.

Lord, we’ll Fight the Good Fight:
Godliness with Contentment is
great gain…We can take nothing
out of (this world). If we have food,
we’ll be content (1 Tim 6:6-8).
Fight the Good Fight of Faith.
Hold tightly to the eternal life
that God has given you (1T6:11-12)
Command those who are rich not be
arrogant nor put their hope in wealth,
but hope in God, who provides
everything for our enjoyment.
Command them to do good…
to be generous & willing to share.
By doing this they will be storing up
treasure for the future so that they
may experience True Life (v17-19)

Lord, You want Contentment to be
the virtue and goal for Your people.
Forgive us for the times when
we get discontented with life.
Teach me to focus on all I have,
rather than on the things that
lack when competing with others.
Teach me to make connected
relationship with You & others be
priority over material things. Amen.

Lord, Thank You for Your promise
of eternal life in Your presence.
I realise that the road ahead
may not be easy; but I purpose
to hold fast and stay the course.
Help me not grow weary in the
battles I face. Help me to seek
You continually to Fight the good
fight on my behalf. And grant me
faithfulness & perseverance. Amen

Lord, thank You for all You have
given including material provision.
Keep me from being covetous,
greedy or selfish. Help me find
balance in the stewardship of the
resources You have put in my care.
Show me practical and creative
ways to use the resources to
do good, to bless others and
to further Your kingdom. Amen.

Experiencing God In 1 Timothy 4

Aim to Be Godly Example (Dec 8)

Timothy ministered alongside
Apostle Paul as missionary and
later received the challenging
assignment of pastoring the
church at Ephesus. Paul’s first
letter resembles a manual for
building church leadership.
It also contains many principles
to impact the lives of others.

Lord, we aim Be Godly Example: 
Everything God created is Good
and nothing is to be rejected if
it is received with Thanksgiving,
because it is consecrated by the
word of God & prayer (ITim 4:4-5).
Train yourself to Be Godly. For
physical training is of some value,
but godliness for all things (v7-8).
Be An Example to all believers in
what you teach, in the way you live,
in your love, faith and purity….
Be diligent in these matters;
give yourself wholly to them so that
everyone may see your progress.
Watch your life and doctrine closely.
Persevere in them (1Tim 4:12-16).

Lord, Thank You for the wonderful
pleasures You created for us.
Thank You for Your beautiful
creation; for wind, rain & sunshine.
Thank You for the joy of friendship
and the intimacy of marriage.
Thank You for the enjoyment
of good and nourishing food.
Above all these joys, Thank You
for Your gift of salvation. Amen.

Lord, You want us to Be Godly,
though the world sees and thinks
external image is everything.
Forgive me for the times I’m overly
concerned with external appearance.
Grant me discipline to expend more
time & energy to care for the Soul.
Grant me grace so that You will be
pleased with my thots & intentions
as well as words & actions. Amen.

Lord, enable me to Be Example
of Your love, faith and purity.
Help me not to shy away from
using the gifts that You give me.
Thankful that Your opinion of me
is more important than any other.
Thankful that the work You do 
through me will be effective for 
I depend wholly on You. Amen.