Meditating on Ezra 7-8

Hear & Live the Word (Dec 26)

The first six chapters chronicle the
ministry of Zerubbabel in rebuilding
the temple. Now chapters 7-10
introduce a priest named Ezra whom
God uses to rebuild the spiritual
condition of the people. Ezra begins
his task 58 years after the events
of chapter 6. The people have a
house for God but not heart for God.
Ezra realises revival must begin
with a national return to the statutes
and judgments of God as contained
in the Mosaic law. With the support
of the Persian King Artaxerxes,
Ezra sets out with 1,753 of his
countrymen to cover the ninety
dangerous miles back to Jerusalem.

When the people of Israel returned
to the land, they were also returning
to the influence of God’s Word.
The prophets Haggai & Zechariah
helped encourage them while
Ezra’s preaching of Scripture built
them up. God’s Word gave them
what they needed to do God’s work.
We also need the encouragement
and direction of God’s Word.
We must make it the basis for our
faith and actions to finish God’s
work and fulfil our obligations.
We must never waver in our commit
-ment to hear & obey His Word.
Lord, we will Study & Live Your Word.
Lord, we will Serve Your Kingdom.
Lord, we will Submit to You. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Study & Live Your Word:
Ezra was a scribe, well versed in
the law of Moses, which the Lord…
had given to the people of Israel.
He came up to Jerusalem from
Babylon, and the king gave him
everything he asked for, because
the gracious hand of the Lord his
God was on him… He had… came
to Jerusalem… for the gracious
hand of his God was on him. For
Ezra had devoted himself to the
study and observance of the law
of the Lord, and to teaching its
decrees & laws in Israel (Ezra 7:6-10)
Lord, help us emulate Ezra to study
the Bible each day & then to live it.
Help us not only to talk the talk but
also to walk the walk so that others
be challenged to walk with God.
Help us to devote ourselves to God
so we too will know the hand of God
at work in us and through us. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Serve Your kingdom:
Blessed be the Lord God of our
fathers, who has put such a thing
as this in the king’s heart, to beautify
the house of the Lord which is
in Jerusalem, and has extended
mercy to me before the king and
his counselors and before all the
king’s mighty princes. So I was
encouraged as the hand of the
Lord my God was upon me; and
I gathered leading men of Israel
to go up with me (Ezra 7:27-28).
And I looked among the people
and the priests and found none
of the sons of Levi there (Ez 8:15).
Lord, when faced with life challenges
we purpose to work diligently and
realise You oversees all our work.
We praise You Lord for Your help
and grateful for all successes & not
thinking we did it with own power.
Lord, You have gifted each of us
with abilities so we can each make
a contribution to Your kingdom work.
May we not hinder Your kingdom
work by withholding back. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Submit ourselves to You:
By the Ahava Canal, I gave orders
for all of us to fast and humble
ourselves before our God. We
prayed that He would give us
a safe journey and protect us
as we travelled… After all, we had
told the king: Our God’s hand of
protection is on all who worship
Him. So we fasted and petitioned
our God about this, and He
answered our prayer (Ez 8:21-23)
Lord, we purpose to put You
God as the first in our lives.
And we submit ourselves to You
for our body is not in charge.
And we deny the flesh, so that
we will exalt You above all else.
Help us pray powerfully about the
issues & the situations in our life.
When we face difficulties, help us
Lord that when we fast and pray,
You will accomplish more in the
spiritual realm than what can be
done in the physical realm. Amen

Reflection on Apostolic Epistles

Experiencing God thro Obedience

The main purpose of James is to
teach right Christian behaviour;
of 1 Peter to offer encouragement
to suffering Christians; and that of
1 John to assure Christians in their
faith and to counter false teachings.
This week we understand the
importance to position rightly in
obedience & faith to encounter God.
On Monday we learn from James
1-2 on Living Out Your Faith.
On Tuesday, we learn from
Jas 4 on Drawing Near to God.
On Wed, we learn from 1 Pet 2
on Living as People of the Lord.
On Thursday, we learn from 1Pet 4
on Being Good Stewards of God.
On Friday, we learn from 1Jn 1-3
on Walking in the Light and Love.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face…In Jesus’ name.