Meditating on Ezra 4-6 (Dec 20)

God Enables Complete In Him

Zerubbabel knows that the task
of rebuilding the nation must begin
at the altar, not the workbench.
The challenge is primarily spiritual,
not architectural. Accordingly,
Zerubbabel’s first priority is to erect
the altar & reinstate Israel’s national
feasts, which recognise God’s
dealings in the life of the nation.
Afterwards, once materials are
gathered and assignments made,
the actual work of rebuilding the
temple can commence. But it is not
long before the local residents lodge
complaints with the king, bringing
the work to a halt. Not until Darius,
a sympathetic new Persian ruler,
comes to power 15 years later can
the project be resumed & completed.

In 536BC, Zerubbabel led the
people in rebuilding the altar
and laying the temple foundation.
They reinstated daily sacrifices
and rededicated themselves to
a new spiritual worship of God.
In rededicating the altar, the people
were recommitting themselves
to God and His service. To grow
spiritually, our commitment must
be reviewed and renewed often.
As we rededicate ourselves to God,
our lives will become altars to Him.
Lord, we will Watch and Pray.
Lord, we Trust You Watching over us.
Lord, we Trust You will Complete.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, we will watch and pray:
When the enemies of the people…
heard that the returned captives
we’re building a Temple… they said:
Let us help you build because
we… want to worship your God…
But… the leaders of Israel answered:
We will build it ourselves… as
King Cyrus… commanded us to do.
Then the people around them tried
to discourage the people…by making
them afraid to build (Ezra 4:1-4).
So the work on the Temple of God
on Jerusalem stopped until the 2nd
year Darius was king of Persia (v24)
Lord, we note that the building of
God’s temple went ahead in spite
of opposition. For Israel was not
fooled as a clear sense of priorities
enabled them to reject any form of
diversion. We pray for those who
are discouraged about the things
that God has called them to do.
Encourage them Lord in all they
are doing to serve Your kingdom
despite setbacks & opposition.Amen

Lord, we Trust You Watching over us:
Haggai & Zechariah…prophesied to
the Jewish people…Then Zerubbabel
and Jeshua…started working again
to rebuild the Temple… But… the
builders were not stopped until
a report could go to King Darius…
We are rebuilding the Temple that
a great king of Israel built… many
years ago. But our ancestors made…
God… angry, so He handed them to
Nebuchadnezzar… who destroyed
this Temple and took the people
to Babylon as captives. Later…
Cyrus… gave a special order for this
Temple to be rebuilt (Ezra 5:1-13).
Lord, we note where our first loyalty
is as Jewish leaders in Ezra’s time.
Help us to encourage others to stay
true to God’s calling by our example.
Keep us firm in the strength You
supply and help us remember
that You Lord will see us through.
Thank You for Your watching eye
over us; that You are working to
Fulfil Your purposes and that You’ll
supply what we need to finish. Amen

Lord, we Trust You will Complete:
King Darius gave an order to search
the records kept in the treasury
in Babylon. A scroll was found…
This is what was written on it:
King Cyrus gave an order about
the Temple of God in Jerusalem…
Let the Temple be rebuilt as
a place to present sacrifices…
“Let the… Jewish people… rebuild
this Temple where it was before.
Also… the cost of the building is to
be fully paid from the royal treasury…
Then the people of Israel-the priests,
the Levites and the rest of the exiles
celebrated the dedication of the
house of God with joy (Ezra 6:1-16).
Lord, we note Your hand at work,
together with King Darius confirming
Cyrus’ instructions to fulfil God’s will.
This reminds us that You God is
the ruler of all authority and events.
And we trust You Lord and Your
faithfulness to complete the work
You have begun in each of our lives.
We rejoice in Your goodness and
rest securely in Your love. Amen.