Reflection on Gal & Ephesians

Experiencing God thro Obedience

The purpose of Galatians is to call
Christians to faith and freedom
in Christ; while that of Ephesians
is to strengthen believers in their
faith by explaining the purpose
of the church, the body of Christ.
This week we understand the
importance of right belief thus
positioning rightly to encounter Him.
On Monday we learn from
Gal 2 to Live by Faith In Christ.
On Tuesday, we learn from
Gal 6 to Keep On Doing Good.
On Wed, we learn from Eph 1
to Seek Spiritual Insight.
On Thursday, we learn from Eph 4
to Live In Unity and In Humility.
On Friday, we learn from Eph 5
to Live Wisely In the Light.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face…In Jesus’ name.
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