Reflection on Gal & Ephesians

Experiencing God thro Obedience

The purpose of Galatians is to call
Christians to faith and freedom
in Christ; while that of Ephesians
is to strengthen believers in their
faith by explaining the purpose
of the church, the body of Christ.
This week we understand the
importance of right belief thus
positioning rightly to encounter Him.
On Monday we learn from
Gal 2 to Live by Faith In Christ.
On Tuesday, we learn from
Gal 6 to Keep On Doing Good.
On Wed, we learn from Eph 1
to Seek Spiritual Insight.
On Thursday, we learn from Eph 4
to Live In Unity and In Humility.
On Friday, we learn from Eph 5
to Live Wisely In the Light.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face…In Jesus’ name.
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Experiencing God In Ephesians 5

Live Wisely In the Light (Nov 20)

God Enables Spirit Filled Life
Walk Worthy of your calling…You
are rich in Christ, so live that way!
The Christian’s conduct should 
be consistent with His calling.
You are rich in Christ, endowed
with spiritual blessings. So learn
to walk in the light of that wealth.
Also Live Wisely, Be Filled with
the Spirit & Give Thanks always.

Lord, we purpose to Live Wisely:
Once you were full of darkness,
but now you have light from the Lord.
So live as people of light (Eph 5:8).
Be careful how you live. Don’t
live like fools, but like those who
are Wise, redeeming the time,
because the days are evil.
Therefore do not be unwise, but
understand what the will of God is.
Let the Holy Spirit Fill and Control
you. Then you will sing hymns and
spiritual songs to the Lord. And you
will always Give Thanks for every-
thing to God (Eph 5:15-20) Amen.

Father, may Your Spirit keep us ever
walking in light of Your countenance.
Fill our hearts with the sense of
Your nearness and loving fellowship.
Order our steps Lord in Your way
and then walk with us, for in You
Lord there is no darkness at all.
Help us walk in Your light for
we are people of the light. Amen.

Lord, we purpose to Live Wisely
and make good use of our time.
Help us to sense Your presence
& purpose in every circumstance.
Help us see what You’re doing
and what You want to do thro us.
Help us reflect each day to sense
what You are doing in our life
and where You are leading us.
Help us develop a heart of deep
gratitude in all situations. Amen.

Holy Spirit, we welcome You to Fill
us and have full control of our life.
We welcome You personality fully,
Your character and Your attitudes.
Thank You for Your empowering,
Your gifts, all the ways You have
blessed us and all You have done
in our life. Holy Spirit, fill our
hearts with gratitude and praise.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.