Experiencing God In Galatians 6

Keep On Doing Good (Nov 17)

Backgrounder: Galatians is Paul’s
manifesto of justification by faith.
He directs this charter of Christian
freedom to people who are about
to forsake the priceless liberty they
possess in Christ. Jewish legalists
are influencing the believers in
Galatia to trade their freedom
in Christ for bondage to the law.
Paul writes to refute their false
gospel of works & to show the
superiority of justification by faith.

Lord, we will Not Lose Heart:
Pay careful attention to your own
work, for then you will get the
satisfaction of a job well done.
For each one should bear his
own load (Galatians 6:4-5).
You will always Harvest what
you plant… But those who live
to please the Spirit will harvest
everlasting life (Gal 6:7-8).
And let us not grow weary while
doing good, for in due season we
Shall Reap if we Do Not Lose Heart.
Therefore, as we have opportunity,
let us do good to all, especially to
the household of faith (9-10) Amen

Lord, I wholeheartedly desire to
live a purposeful life for Your glory.
I want to sink myself into the work
You gave me to do. And I want the
satisfaction of doing the job well
to please You in line with Your plan.
But when things are overwhelming,
help me to persevere, and remind
me that You reward faithfulness.
May knowledge of Your goodness
keep me going when weary. Amen.

Lord, we recognise whatever seeds
of priorities, habits and attitudes
we plant in our lives, eventually
will become what we harvest.
Lord, help us to keep planting
a spirit of praise and love for You
God and others; godly habits and
positive actions. For eventually
these seeds will grow; and become
a Harvest as promised by U. Amen

Lord, Thank You for teaching me
in my weariness that I can do
absolutely nothing apart from You.
I give myself to You for You are my
life, my strength and my salvation.
As I purpose Not to Lose Heart,
grant me the power of Your life
to restore joy. And renew my
vision to keep doing Your will and
to do good to those around me.
May knowledge of Your goodness
keep me going when I feel likely
which like quitting. In Jesus name.