Experiencing God In Matt 25/28

Make Disciples for Kingdom (Sep18)

The events in the final two days of
Jesus’ earthly life carry shadows of
the cross: the anointing in Bethany,
the Passover Observance, Lord’s
Supper, the prayer in Gethsemane.
Jesus is arrested, tried, condemned
executed and placed in a tomb. But
in triumph, Jesus comes forth from
the grave in resurrection power.
The Kings of the Jews Lives again,
a message which His followers
are commissioned to share.

Lord, we’ll Do Your Assignment:
The master replied: You wicked
and lazy servant!… you should
At Least have put my money
into the bank so I could have
some interest (Mt 25:26-27).
Then the eleven disciples went
into Galilee, to the mountain which
Jesus had appointed for them…
And Jesus came to them and said:
All authority has been given to Me..
Go and make disciples of all the
nations… teaching them to obey
everything I have commanded you;
and lo I am With you Always,
even to the end of the age
(Matthew 28:16-20). Amen.

Lord, there is no doubt about
the task You had left for us to do.
Help me step out of comfort zone
to find people who need to know U.
Help me witness to the people You
hv placed in my sphere of influence
Help me in my concern for the lost,
in words, deeds and attitudes.
Help me make disciples for Christ to be like Him & further His Kingdom.
And Help me reflect as one who
has found the answer to life.Amen.

Lord, it’s easy to look at others and
think that I have nothing to offer.
But You have implanted passion
within me and blessed me with gifts
and talents that the world needs.
Help me to see where You God are
at work & watch for opportunities to
join U by sowing seeds of kindness.
Help those seeds to grow & flourish
and thank You for reaping a good
harvest. In Jesus’ precious name.

Lord Jesus, You promise your
followers that You Will Be With
them Always. Though busyness
and activities often disconnect
me from others, it will never
separate me from You Lord. For
Your promise is reliable in a world
where most promises are not.
Thank You Lord for the permanent
nature of Your promise. Amen.