Experiencing God In Ecc12(Aug14)

Fear God & Make the Most of Life

Thus far the preacher has been
concentrating mainly on problems
of life without seeking explanation.
But the deeper he probes life’s
patterns and perplexities, the more
conclusive becomes the evidence
that points him to the solution:
and that is Fear God. When wisdom
turns to vanity, fear God (Eccl 7:18).
When God’s ways seem uncertain,
fear God (8:12-13). When all is
said and done, fear God (12:13),
for this is the whole duty of man.

Lord, we’ll Make the Most of Life:
Whatever your hand finds to do,
do it with Your might; for there is
no work… in the grave where you
are going… The race is not to the
swift nor the battle to the strong…
but time and chance happens
to them all (Ecclesiastes 9:10-11).
Let us hear the conclusion of the
whole matter: Fear God and keep
His commandments, for this is
man’s all. For God will bring every
work into judgment, including
every secret thing, whether good
or evil (Ecclesiastes 12:13–14).

Lord, we realise that the race of
faith is not a short sprint but rather
a long race that requires endurance.
And Ecclesiastes 9:11 wisely points
out the race is not to the swift, nor
the battle to the strong. So Lord,
help me to press on and lay aside
every weight to finish well the race.
And grant me strength so that I can run the race with endurance. Amen.

Lord, we don’t want to learn
all kinds of principles for living
well in the world so that we can
appear to be moral and successful
on the world’s terms, but fail to see
our need for You. We purpose that
we will above all things Fear You
Lord, keep Your commands, further
the gospel truths and living in the
light of it. In Jesus’ name we pray.

Lord, Thank You for Ecclesiastes
that gives advice on living a full life.
For we want to ensure that all we
have ever worked for, lived for and
hoped for hasn’t been a big mistake.
Solomon’s conclusion is that every
-one’s duty is to Fear & obey God.
For one day we’ve to give account
of how we had lived; and we can’t
give excuses to justify our failures.
Grant us grace Lord to keep Your
values and priorities in line and keep
God first place in our lives. Amen.