Experiencing God In Ps 66 (Aug 5)

Don’t Cherish Sin In Our Heart

Psalms 60-66 are essentially
psalms of lament; as evidenced
by the cry “O God” (60, 61, 63–65)
in which the psalmist stands upon
the promise of God in the face of
defeat, discouragement and deceit.
Through it all the psalmist finds that
God is praise-worthy refuge (62,66)

Lord, we will Not Cherish Sin:
You O God have Tested us; You
have Refined us as silver (Ps 66:10)
If I had Cherished Sin in my heart,
the Lord would not have listened;
but God has surely listened and
heard my voice in prayer. Praise
be to God, who has not rejected
my prayer or withheld His love
from me. (Psalm 66:18-20).
Search Me O God and know my
heart; try me & know my anxieties
And see if there is any wicked way
in me, and lead me in the way
everlasting (Ps 139:23-24) Amen.

Father God, season of testing
can be hard and really painful.
But Lord Purify me well; and let
my faith endure the testing time.
Remind me that You are always
with me every step of the way.
And please help me Lord to
understand Your ways and not
mistrust You when circumstances
seem to contradict You. For You
Lord are always working out Your
best purposes for my life. Amen.

Lord, I purpose to Not Entertain Sin
in my heart. I want my heart to be
right before You so that You will
always hear my prayers & answer it.
I don’t do everything perfectly,
so I ask by the power of Your Spirit
You will enable me to keep my
heart pure and my hands clean.
Thank You Lord for loving me and
helping me to do what is right
in Your sight. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, I ask You to Search My Heart
and Shine Your light on my sin.
Forgive me for I am crying out
to You for help. Thank You for
hearing me, answering the cry
of my heart and continuing to
show Your unfailing love in my life.
For Lord I don’t want sins to lie on
my shoulders that bear me down;
but rather place them in Christ
the Lamb of God. In Jesus’ name