Experiencing God in 2 Chron 7

Seek God for Recovery (July 13)

Great quantities of men & materials
plus seven years of Solomon’s life
are invested to complete the house
of the Lord. Solomon in dedicating
the Temple praise and thank God
for His Unchanging character and
unfailing promises on behalf of
the nation. When Solomon finishes
his prayer, the glory of God fills
the Temple. But in the night,
God appears to Solomon to warn
him that if the nation fails to
remain true to God, He will uproot
the people from their beloved homeland and will destroy the magnificent temple which they
have laboured so long to complete.

Lord, we will Pray for Our Nation:
Thus Solomon finished the house
of the Lord and the king’s house…
Then the Lord appeared to
Solomon by night & said to him:
I have heard your prayer and
have chosen this place for
Myself as a house of sacrifice…
If my people, who are called by
my name, will humble themselves
and pray and seek my face and
turn from their wicked ways,
then I will hear from heaven,
and I will forgive their sin and
will heal their land. Now My eyes
will be open and My ears attentive
to prayers made (2Chron 7:11-15).

Jehovah Rapha, we come humbly
and confess the sins of our nation.
Pray that we as a people will
turn from our wicked ways and
seek Your face so that You
will hear our prayers, forgive
our sins and Heal our land.
We need Your hand of blessing
and Protection from Coronavirus.
And pour out Your Spirit on us
and work Your righteousness
in the heart of the people. Amen.

Lord of Justice, Thank You for the
reminder to pray for my country
and the leaders who govern. No
country is perfect. No matter where
we live, we know that our leaders
are human & therefore have flaws.
And You God promise that when
His people humble themselves
and pray, You will hear from heaven.
So we ask that You Give our leaders
wisdom and a sense of Your justice.
In Jesus’ precious name we pray.

Father of humanity & lovingkindness
Inspire the people of this land with
the spirit of justice, truth and love,
that in all dealings with one another
that we show forth our brotherhood.
Free us from oppressing the poor
and bring about social justice.
And prosper all efforts to make known Your truth so that many
may learn their need of You Lord
and Your Love for them. Amen.