Meditating on Isaiah 62-66

Believers’ Glorious Future (July 12)

In the light of present calamity and coming glory, there can only be one
fitting response from God’s people: repentance for their pride & rebellion
The twin themes that dominated Isaiah’s message, condemnation
and consolidation, appear again
in the concluding verses: The hand
of the Lord shall be known toward
His servants (consolation) and His indignation toward His enemies
(condemnation) (66:14). Therefore, let the Lord be glorified (66:5).

God’s ultimate plan is a new creation.
God will do what it takes to restore
His world because He knows
us well and how frail we are.
He is full of grace and kindness towards those who seek Him in humility, honesty and reverence.
Isaiah calls the nation of Judah
back to God and tell of God’s
salvation through the Messiah.
We end meditating Isaiah asking:
Lord, we Seek Your Deliverance;
Lord, we Wait Upon You; and
Lord, we Come to Your Presence.
In Jesus’ precious name we pray.

Lord, we Seek Your Deliverance:
For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent,
for Jerusalem’s sake I will not
remain quiet, till her righteousness
shines out like the dawn, her
salvation like a blazing torch. The nations will see Your righteousness and all kings Your glory… No longer
will they call you Deserted or name
your name Desolate… for the Lord
will take delight in you (Isa 62:1-4).
Lord, my hope for deliverance and
restoration in life is found in You.
You have already saved me for
eternity and for Your glory, and
nothing is impossible with You.
I pray that You will not forget me
until I am completely set free
and restored to total wholeness,
and my righteousness shines forth like the morning sun. And I will
testify of Your lovingkindness. Amen

Lord, we will Wait Upon You:
Oh that You would burst from
the heavens and come down!
How the mountains would quake
in Your presence… (and) You
did awesome things beyond our
highest expectations… For since
the world begun, no war has
heard & no eye has seen a God
like You who works for those
who wait for Him! (Isaiah 64:1-4).
Lord, Thank You for doing awesome
things and You continue to do
them for those who respect Your
sovereignty and wait for You.
Help me to wait for You with hope.
Fill me with a holy expectancy
of Your coming and glorify
Yourself through my life. Amen.

Lord, we Seek Your Presence:
This is what the Lord says:
Heaven is My throne and the
earth is My footstool. Where is
the house you will build for me?
Where will my resting place be?…
This is the one I esteem: he who is
humble and contrite in spirit, and
trembles at My word ( Isa 66:1-2)
Lord, let me be Your resting place.
I offer myself to You and invite You
to remove anything that stands
in the way. Come close to me
Lord as close as You desire. And
I position myself to encounter
Your presence. I come in humility;
I come in dependency for I need You.
I come to You as an empty well.
I bring nothing but space for You.
Fill me Lord with Yourself. Amen.