Meditating on Isaiah 58-62

From Groaning to Glory (July 11)

As Isaiah looks at his contemporary
situation, there’s little to commend it.
Empty ritual, meaningless fasts and
broken fellowship mark the spiritual
life of the nation. But Isaiah also
catches a glimpse of the glorious
future awaiting the people of God.
A day is coming when darkness will
be swept away, affliction will cease,
violence shall no more be heard;
and the glad tidings of salvation
shall be proclaimed throughout Zion.
The desolate land shall be inhabited
and prosperous, promoting praise
to the ends of the earth that God
has not forsaken His people after all.
Groaning has given way to glory.

Isaiah calls the nation of Judah
back to God and tell of God’s
salvation through the Messiah.
Because God is holy, He requires
His people to treat others justly.
We must treat God with respect
and fulfill His commands. We
can’t forsake justice nor give in
to selfishness and indifference.
Lord, we will Attend to the Needy
Lord, we will Repent of our Sins.
Lord, we Receive Beauty for Ashes.
In Jesus’ precious name we pray.

Lord, we’ll attend to the Needy:
Is not this the kind of fasting
I have chosen: to loose the chains
of injustice and untie the cords
of the yoke, to set the oppressed
free and break every yoke? Is it not
to share your food with the hungry
and to provide the poor wanderer
with shelter… and not to turn from
your flesh & blood (Isaiah 58:5-6).
Lord, help us be disciplined enough
to fast and pray as You want us to.
We want to deny desires of the flesh
in order to focus for more of You.
We want to break every yoke of
oppression so that we see great
breakthrough. And help us to be sensitive to those suffering from social injustice & the needy. Amen.

Lord, we will Repent of Sins:
The Lord’s hand is not shortened,
that it cannot save; nor His ear
heavy that He cannot hear. But
your iniquities have separated
you from your God; your sins
have hidden his face from you,
so that he will not hear (Isa 59:1-2)
Lord, I know my life does not work
when I am not living Your way.
Help me Lord to stay undeceived
about my sin so that I can confess
it immediately & be cleansed of it.
For I don’t want anything to separate
me from You and hinder my prayers by causing You to not hear them.
Show me how to tear down any
wall of separation that may arise
because of sin in my heart. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Receive Beauty for Ashes:
He has sent me to bestow on them
a crown of beauty instead of ashes
the oil of gladness instead of
mourning, and a garment of praise
instead of spirit of despair (61:1-3)
Lord, I grieve over my own sins
and over the time I have not lived
Your way. I don’t know how much
blessings I have forfeited because
I’ve lived my way instead of Yours.
So I confess my sin of thought,
Word and action to You now.
And ask that You will give me
beauty instead of ashes and
gladness instead of despair. Amen

Reflections on 1 Chron (July 11)

Worship God as Centre of Life

During this week we learn several
key lessons on the importance of
worshiping God to position ourselves
in order to encounter His presence.
On Monday, we learn from Jabez in
1Chr4 to Boldly Seek God’s Blessing.
On Tuesday, we learn from 1 Chr 14
to Inquire Lord First Before Doing.
On Wednesday, we learn from David
in 1 Chr 17 to Trust Promise of Lord.
On Thursday, we learn from David in
1Chr 28 to Be Strong & Courageous.
On Friday, we learn from David in
1Chr 29 to Live for Glory of God.
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